[NAMES] All of the Names v1.1

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[NAMES] All of the Names v1.1

Postby mr_easy_money » Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:35 am

What is this mod?
This mod is all about the possible names crew members can have. In vanilla FTL, there's a pretty limited amount of names, and after a while, you've seen every name in there. In some of the big overhauls, the amount of possible names seems like a lot, and there are, but I figured... why not more? why not every name you can think of? And thus, this mod was born... 8-)

Just how many names are in here?
It's currently sitting at around 5580 names in total. yep, you read that right. :D I found names from a bunch of overhauls, the Definitive Names Diversity Mod, the Kickstarter credits, and sprinkled in a bunch of my own, ending up with that many names... but surely there must be more! :twisted:

note that between male and female humans, there is no difference, unlike in vanilla. why is this mod like that? well, why must names be gender-specific? you can legally change your name to anything you want (probably so long as it isn't offensive), so why limit it like that?

Dropbox Download links:
v1.1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aihnilxwd5mx0 ... 1.ftl?dl=0

Code: Select all

- fixed bug where only female humans show up in hangar roll by adding zero-width space to all female human names
- removed an inappropriate name

- initial release

The program
the way I added all those names is through a program I made to join all nameLists in a file (by gender or regardless) and sort the resulting list(s) alphabetically. and so, now you can easily look through the list if you look at the file, it's like a dictionary: you can easily find whatever name you're looking for and just as easily remove or insert names.
for those interested, the program's here on GitHub: https://github.com/blizzarchon/FTL-Join ... -nameLists

Side notes
if you wanna be in the mod, give me a holler, or if you're already in the mod and don't wanna be, give me a holler as well. ;)

if you have any other names you wanna see, shout 'em out and I'll add them.

I created a different program to change the Kickstarter credits into a names.xml-type file, code here on github, https://github.com/blizzarchon/FTL-name ... -names.xml
Last edited by mr_easy_money on Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] All of the Names

Postby bamalf » Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:17 am

Wow :shock: Great work!
I created a different program to change the Kickstarter credits into a names.xml-type file. if you're interested in that, give me a holler. :)
Let me see this :D
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Re: [MOD] All of the Names

Postby mr_easy_money » Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:17 am

bamalf wrote:Wow :shock: Great work!

thanks :)
bamalf wrote:
mr_easy_money wrote:I created a different program to change the Kickstarter credits into a names.xml-type file. if you're interested in that, give me a holler. :)
Let me see this :D

okay, here, I just put it on GitHub :D 8-)

https://github.com/blizzarchon/FTL-name ... -names.xml
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Re: [NAMES] All of the Names v1.1

Postby mr_easy_money » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:22 am

All of the Names v1.1
Fixes the problem that caused only female humans to show up in the hangar.

This was accomplished by adding a zero-width space (literally an invisible blank character) to all female names, so when renaming humans that start as female know that there's an extra blank character at the end. It can be safely removed without problem, but it counts towards the character limit (will be one character shorter than usual, so be sure to delete it if you make long names).

Why did this happen?
It appears names in FTL can only be exclusively either male or female. If a name shows up in both male and female pools of names, the game assigns the name to whichever gender appears last in the file. In the case of this mod, both the male and female pools of names were identical, causing the game to only assign names to female humans, resulting in the game only rolling female humans in the hangar.

This problem was solved by adding a zero-width space to all names for female humans, making the names unique and therefore different from the ones for male humans. The fact that the zero-width space is impossible to see is perfect for this.

;edit; okay, hmm, so apparently the fix only works in FTL 1.6.1+ (see post below by Vhati) where utf-8 encoding is established for real. I'm not sure what else to do without breaking the "50-50" ratio and leaving out the Kickstarter backer names, which wouldn't really be this mod anymore. I've put the old download back up... :roll:
Last edited by mr_easy_money on Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [NAMES] All of the Names v1.1

Postby Jimli_ » Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:40 am

Neat. Nice little fix!
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Re: [NAMES] All of the Names v1.1

Postby Vhati » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:31 am

Zero-width space is a unicode character which does not exist in windows-1252.
FTL 1.5.13 and earlier was restricted to windows-1252.
So the fix makes means this mod requires FTL 1.6.1+, the edition that switched to unicode under the hood.

Hm, Slipstream's validate didn't nag about this.

Hrm, Slipstream doesn't throw an error during patching either. Patching an old game results in garbage characters on-screen.

Still a worthwhile mod, and a clever approach. ;)

Edit: After patching FTL 1.5.13, I looked in the XML Sandbox.

Code: Select all

And confirmed with a hex editor: that is really what's in data.dat.
My XML library is escaping, so technically there's not an encoding error. Then FTL gets confused trying to unescape it.

Edit: Got it! I turned off escaping. Now that character makes it explode properly. :lol:

Edit: I've added a nag listing any exotic characters and their code points (e.g., U+200B), which can't be re-encoded to windows-1252 to satisfy FTL 1.01-1.5.13.