Both the initial encounter and the surrender event have been tested in MTE and are... sort of working.
So for the initial encounter, the game fails to load the proper ship. Whether or not that's because of MTE, I don't know, but I'm guessing it isn't.
Here's the corresponding code that should make this work I think :
Event :
Code: Select all
<event name="CE_ANOMALY_ENCOUNTER" unique="false">
<ship load="C_AUTO_CRUISER_2" hostile="false" />
Ship blueprint :
Code: Select all
<shipBlueprint name="C_AUTO_CRUISER_2" layout="c_auto_cruiser_2" img="c_auto_cruiser_2">
<artillery power="1" max="1" room="8" start="false" weapon="BA_ION_HEAVY_2" />
<cloaking power="1" max="3" room="14" start="false" />
<doors power="1" max="3" room="6" start="false" />
<drones power="2" max="8" room="10" start="false" />
<engines power="2" max="5" room="5" start="true" />
<pilot power="1" max="2" room="7" start="true" />
<shields power="2" max="10" room="12" start="true" />
<weapons power="3" max="10" room="4" start="true" />
<weaponList missiles="10" count="4" load="WEAPONS_AUTO" />
<droneList drones="5" count="2" load="DRONES_STANDARD" />
<health amount="15" />
<maxPower amount="7" />
<aug name="AUTO_COOLDOWN" />
<aug name="SYSTEM_CASING" />
There's a corresponding img folder, .txt file and .xml file for the hull, layout, gibs and mounts.
This mod is also loaded in by the way...
And the ship won't surrender, probably because it doesn't load in the correct ship and when it blows up it just gives you a reward without any text.
Here's the events_ships.xml.append anyway :
Code: Select all
<ship name="C_AUTO_CRUISER_2">
<surrender chance="1.0" min="4" max="4" load="CE_ANOMALY_ENCOUNTER_SURRENDER" />
<text>The ship is destroyed and the scrap is yours to take. You also find detailed mapping of the surrounding area.</text>
<reveal_map />
<autoReward level="MED">standard</autoReward>
Which brings me to my final question.
If I'm not mistaken, it seems like I'm either misusing the <reveal_map /> tag or it can't be used in conjunction with <modifyPursuit amount="-1" />
Either that or the <reveal_map /> tag doesn't work in MTE for reasons unknown to me...
Here's an example :
Code: Select all
<text>Some nice text I won't spoil yet...</text>
<reveal_map />
<modifyPursuit amount="-1" />
<autoReward level="LOW">standard</autoReward>
I get the fleet delay, but not the map. Are they mutually exclusive or...?
So other than getting the correct ship to fight and having it surrender with the proper event, I'm done.
Anyway, sorry about my constant pestering. Feel free to tell me to shut it.
The thing is though, if I get 1 completely custom event made myself, I can use it as a blank for future ones...
Just like I did with custom weapons.