rannl wrote:Is a 1x1 room problematic in some way ? I though it might be nice to have some variation, and I didn't wan't to change the internal images of the different rooms (keeping the same "feeling" to the Kestrel rooms). So using 1x1 rooms helped me make more layest that didn't have doors where room system imagery was present.
Sorry you had to lose the 1x1 rooms.
It would have added some variety for sure, but yeah the no oxygen warnings would be weird otherwise.
rannl wrote:I'm not sure about randomizing the 4 weapons / 2 drones configuration. It's a defining feature for the kestrel, and didn't use a drone system with the system random asset pool. It might be a good idea when considering the engi cruiser, but somehow it didn't feel right to me doing it with the Kestrel.
I agree with you here, there should be 4 weapons / 2 drones on the kestrel. Even if you randomized the whole fleet I think the Engi ship should be the only one with two drones. I like that although you can randomize the whole fleet, you would like to keep the "defining features" of each ship in tact.
rannl wrote:I actually added a system layout with a clonebay instead of the medbay. I can certanly add a few more. I'm not sure about having a system set without any way of healing the crew. The slug B has a healing bomb in order to compensate for the squishiness of the crew. Then again, this could be a challenging random ship to play..... I'll give it some thought.
Adding a few more layouts with a clonebay would be fine, I've had second thought about making it 50/50 because the another defining feature of the kestrel was the fact that it had a medbay, not a clonebay. Good point on the problems with taking out a medbay entirely. Maybe that should be something reserved for the slug ships, and taking out the medbay could give the player a heal bomb instead.
rannl wrote:Augments can appear in a random ship. Some weapon configurations get the auto loader, and the drone amount randomization gives an augment if the random ship starts without any drone parts.
I don't want to add too many possible augments to the Kestrel, so it won't become too OPed.
I agree that the kestrel shouldn't be too OP with augments, but I thought it could be interesting to have things like the Drone Reactor Booster if the ship had more on board drones. Of course you can just use augments like the Auto-Reloader, Shield Recharger, Reverse Ion Field, and such that aren't reliant on you having drones or weapons or whatever... And sense you're sticking to the defining features, having things like Crystal Vengeance wouldn' make sense.
rannl wrote:The amount attribute of the droneList tag determines the amount of starting drone parts to the best of my knowledge.... am I mistaken ? The number of weapons/drones slots is determined by the weaponSlots/droneSlots tags, right ?
You are right, the weaponList and droneList tags do determine the amount of starting missiles or drones. And the weaponSlots/droneSlots tags determine the slots.
Code: Select all
<weaponList count="2" missiles="8">
<weapon name="MISSILES_2_PLAYER"/>
<weapon name="LASER_BURST_3"/>
But what I was confused on is there is an attribute called "count=" in the weapon/droneList tags. That just determines how many weapons/drones the ship starts with regardless of the Slots. The "drones=" and "missiles=" attributes determine the amount of starting missiles/drone parts the player starts with. In your meta_weapon_pool file you just call the attribute "amount=," which I assume just then overwrites to the "drones=" or "missiles="? So I guess there's nothing to worry about...
rannl wrote:As for the future of the Randtrel, that is entirely up to the comments I get here. I see no reason not to have both options - a fully randomized Kestrel and a partially randomized player fleet.
If you'd like to help create more randomly generated player ships, I'd be happy to provide a guide for adding more content to the Randtrel tool.
If you randomized the whole fleet how would you handle that? Would you have each ship type take from a separate pool? 10 pools for the different ship types?
I would love to eventually add some more content to the pool. Although, I could probably figure it out myself, a guide would not be a bad thing to have...
And I'm sure others will eventually add to the pool as well. Like I said, if you just lay the groundwork then it wouldn't be hard to eventually have 10 different pools for each ship type, assuming that's how you wanted to do that...
In the meantime, there's already a lot of potential Kestrel's now, and I think that's awesome.