MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

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MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby sul » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:06 pm

The "FTL CRAZE" serie is a serie of mods that change the overall gameplay of the original FTL game (both Vanilla and Advanced Edition), by modifying Global Stats. It wont make the gameplay balanced as it was designed for, but can be worth a try for experienced FTL gamers that already tried everything ;). The mods usually affect both your ship and the enemy for a fair fight. Some of them use some pretty unique or hilarious glitches that can be put in the game. The mods are stackable (you can use several or all at once). The CRAZE mods make global changes on existing content so in theory they are compatible with any other combination of mods (patch the CRAZE mods last).


New CRAZE Mod:

GUERRILLA CHALLENGE: Destroying enemy ships damages your hull and gives no rewards, instead you must take down their crew in guerrilla style. This is a challenge for advanced players, favoring antipersonal/boarding tactics with least possible damage to the hull. AI ships and the Flagship are given additional ghost crew. To destroy the Flagship you can first kill all its crew, which disables it reactor for an easy finish.

Download link (06/06/2016): ... E.ftl?dl=0

Selected CRAZE Mods:

FASTER CREW MOVE: All crew move at the SPEED OF LIGHT using a custom augment. Instant reorganization of the ship.
VACCUM HEALING : Vaccum (no oxygen) HEALS all crew using a custom augment. Overpowered as crew is near invincible.
MORE CREW: 4X more crew in enemy ships (can go up to 20-30).
FASTER WEAPONS: All weapons fire 150% faster. See 200% version below too.
MORE FIRE: Increase all weapons/drones chance of starting a fire (including ions, beams, etc).
MORE BREACH: Increase all weapons/drones breach chance.
MORE STUN: Increase all weapons/drones stun chance.
LESS HULL: Decreases all ships maximum hull health by 2.
SWITCH ION DAMAGE: The effect of ions and laser/beams is swapped.
BURST MARK II (by request): All ships have Burst Laser Mark II weapons.
ARTEMIS (by request): All ships have Artemis weapons and 50 missiles.

Link (02/28/2016): ...


Some places where the CRAZE Mods are featured/reused:

- stylesrj made a run with the Healing Vaccum equipped on the Obsidian Cruiser, in Captain's Edition:
- The Faster Crew Move and Healing Vaccum are reused in very clever ways in gencool's Bizarre ship pack (DS-TR 13 and Siphon):


Complete List of CRAZE Mods:

There are a lot of other CRAZE mods. Some change the gameplay in other ways, some are just weird experiments, some completely break the gameplay in unexpected ways and some are just glitches. For those mods there is less attention to detail or making it work properly. The quantity of mods is becoming overwhelming, so for brievety all mods are in the attached files below. Details on each mod can be found in the Slipstream header.

ALL MODS (06/1/2016): ...

List of ALL MODS:
CRAZE_10BOARDERS: enemies have no systems but always launch 10 boarders
CRAZE_CREWINFINITE: no oxygen on player ships but overpowered/unbreakable clonebay
CRAZE_CREWMOONWALKBUG: when moved crew moonwalks to the deeps of space
CRAZE_CREWMOVESLOW: crew moves at 4X reduced speed
CRAZE_CREWNOMOVE: crew cannot move
FASTERDRONEMOVE: internal drones move extremely fast
CRAZE_FASTERFTL: FTL charges extremely fast (around 5 seconds)
CRAZE_FASTERWEAPONS50: all weapons fire twice as fast
CRAZE_FATALITY: every enemy ship with one hull point left is disabled to "FINISH HIM!"
CRAZE_HEALINGVACCUMSLOW: vacuum heals crew at slow rate
CRAZE_INVINCIBLESHIPS: all ships are indestructible (except from fire/crew).
CRAZE_INVINCIBLESYSTEMS: all systems are indestructible (except from fire/crew).
CRAZE_LESSPOWER: decreases available power on all ships
CRAZE_MISSILESINFINITE: missiles launch for free
CRAZE_MOREBREACH15/30: increased breach chance for all weapons
CRAZE_MORECREW2/4: doubled/quadrupled crew in all ships
CRAZE_MOREFIRE15/30: increase fire chance for all weapons
CRAZE_MORELOCK: all weapons have room locking effect
CRAZE_MORESTUN30: increased stun change for all weapons
CRAZE_MURDERVACCUM: vaccum kills crew extremely fast
CRAZE_NANOBAYMURDER: engi-bot dispersal slowly kills the crew
CRAZE_NOHEALING: no healing/cloning devices of any kind in the game
CRAZE_NOSHIELDSNODAMAGE: all weapons/drones pierce shield but dont do damage (weird)
CRAZE_ONESHOTKILL: all weapons can destroy any ship in on hit
CRAZE_ONLYENGI: everyon is an engi
CRAZE_REVEALMAP: map is revealed at the beginning of each sector
CRAZE_SLOWSHIELDS100/2/5: shield recharge slower, or almost never
CRAZE_STARTOVERPOWERED: start with overpowered ship for quick tests
CRAZE_STOREEVERYWHERE: every beacon has a store
CRAZE_VACCUMIMMUNE: player crew is immune to vaccum
CRAZE_VISUEGWEAPONS: changes all weapons/drones to neon-like colors

Bonus: check also my complementary serie of mods "FTL STORIES" on game storyline:
And the SCRAMBLE Mod:



- The download file is in .zip format, it should be unzipped and the .ftl files that are inside used with slipstream mod manager. More details on each mod in the slipstream header.
- If creating your own mod,use FTL Error Checker (you need this !):
- If used with other mods, pach the CRAZE ones last as they change previous content (it should work but not always). If you try a mod and feedback or have some new tweak ideas thats cool.

Last edited by sul on Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:28 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: MOD[AE] CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby stylesrj » Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:37 am

I did a run with your Infinite Crew Speed and Oxygen Heal mods in Captain's Edition with the Obsidian Cruiser. Check it out in two hours of action-packed fun, including my impressions of a Mantis voice, sore throats and an ending that'll surprise you:
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Re: MOD[AE] CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby sul » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:23 pm

Cool, I will defintively check it up today !
Edit: Nice video I had a real good time watching it. That ship is the most overpowered ship ever lol. And you got stuck at your own game of overpowering when facing the flagship, i wasnt expecting that. I guess you could let the game run on forever from there it wouldnt budge.

Upon watching, I also realized healing vaccum is waaay overpowered in game, it makes your crew near invincible (that is why it goes very well with your obsidian cruise ship lol). That also inspired a little more changes i just uplodaded, and your video is now officially referenced in the mod header !
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby Zakhep » Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:23 am

Request: A mod that replaces every weapon (and I mean EVERY weapon, including drone weapons and PDS shots) with a Burst Laser Mark II.
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby stylesrj » Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:38 am

I don't think the PDS can be changed and Drones can be made to fire more than one shot but yeah I'd like to see a Burst Laser CRAZE craze sweeping the galaxy. Even the Rebel Flagship should have them.

While you're at it, replace all weapons with Artemis Missiles and make a CRAZE of that.
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby sul » Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:40 am

stylesrj wrote:I don't think the PDS can be changed and Drones can be made to fire more than one shot but yeah I'd like to see a Burst Laser CRAZE craze sweeping the galaxy. Even the Rebel Flagship should have them.

While you're at it, replace all weapons with Artemis Missiles and make a CRAZE of that.

Yeah probably not the PDS and maybe not the drones, but the rest seems doable ! Just give me a little time guys.
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby Gencool » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:31 am

The code for that should be fairly simple, depending on what you wanted to do with it.
You *could* replace all ship's weapon lists, or you could actually re-value all weapons in the game...

Fun thing is, with the latter, it'd also override the Crystal Vengeance and all Artillery (Which may want a UI alteration to fix this)

I'd actually like to see it reflect the weapon it replaced somewhat, too; Like all laser weapons become BLIIs, sure, but all Ions become BIonIIs (+ion, -damage), Missiles become BMIIs, Bombs become BBIIs (two bombs per salvo!), Flak become AoEBLIIs...
Beams would be tricky, maybe they become instant-hit BLIIs (slightly increased cooldown to compensate).
Charge BLIIs would also be fun...
- Gencool (aka Puppetsquid) -- I make weird stuff
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby sul » Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:11 am

Zakhep wrote:Request: A mod that replaces every weapon (and I mean EVERY weapon, including drone weapons and PDS shots) with a Burst Laser Mark II.

So I did my homework and there is a simple mod that puts four Burst Laser Mark II on every ships. That was a great idea, its still balanced enough but badass ! There are some caveats: sometimes enemies have enough power for several Laser and shoot all at once which hard, sometimes they are just missing a weapon slot and use one less which is too easy. That is hard to change "fairly" because how many weapon slot they have is chosen randomly (and increases as you travel the sectors). It could be avoided if you break the burst laser iii rule, and give them an optional simple laser that uses one slot only. Also you can still find other weapons in stores and events (that is painful to change).
For the drones, PDS, or artilleries (like on the flagship), well, they are different "objects" so must be dealed with differently. If you want to change their looks, its beyond my capabilities (I never really changed graphics). Now like stylesrj said you can make them shoot 3 times, recharge slower too, or just remove them completely on ships. Let me know what you think.
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby sul » Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:14 am

stylesrj wrote:I don't think the PDS can be changed and Drones can be made to fire more than one shot but yeah I'd like to see a Burst Laser CRAZE craze sweeping the galaxy. Even the Rebel Flagship should have them.

While you're at it, replace all weapons with Artemis Missiles and make a CRAZE of that.

Great idea too ! I just added a WIP mod doing that (except flagship) let me know what you think of the balance so i can improve it. I was thinking maybe the Artemis could not use missile ressources, because even with 50 at start you are going to empty them waaay too fast.
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Re: MOD[AE] FTL CRAZE: Global-Stats Modifier

Postby stylesrj » Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:02 pm

I just thought of a crazy idea you could do for CRAZE, sul. Well two actually but they're the same thing really.

Never Enough Power - All weapons require an extra bar of power to operate. From basic lasers to the Glaive Beam, you'll need more power to get the systems working. Probably apply it to drones too.
Too Much Power - All weapons require one less bar of power to operate. Basic lasers don't use any juice, you can mount 4 Burst Laser II's and still have power to spare, etc. Just keep in mind that weapons that don't use any power need a weapon that does in order to function properly (or does that only apply to beams?)

These would also apply to the enemy so good luck getting rid of that missile launcher :lol: