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List of bugs observed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:40 am
by ausguerila
I had crew teleported on a ship. As I was attacking the crew and the last crew member was running out of the room, the system in the room experienced damage. No hits were made from the crew I had teleported in the room.

Also has anyone else seen systems repair themselves without any crew?

I also saw for the first time a room with fire drain the oxygen out of the room. The wiki did not come up with anything about this.

Another bug found is where a Shield Overcharger drone charges a shield that regenerated milliseconds before the drone charge, lets an anti bio beam through.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:50 pm
by stylesrj
I had crew teleported on a ship. As I was attacking the crew and the last crew member was running out of the room, the system in the room experienced damage. No hits were made from the crew I had teleported in the room.

This sounds rather vague. Were the enemy crew being in active combat or was it a case of the enemy dying in an empty room and the game still registers their last hit?
The room might have been on the verge of destruction before the enemy crew came in and as soon as they were dead, the last hit came in.

Also has anyone else seen systems repair themselves without any crew?

Standard feature on AI ships or maybe it was a Repair Drone you're thinking of.

I also saw for the first time a room with fire drain the oxygen out of the room. The wiki did not come up with anything about this.

You do know why fires go out when you vent the oxygen from a room, right?

Another bug found is where a Shield Overcharger drone charges a shield that regenerated milliseconds before the drone charge, lets an anti bio beam through.

Beams are notoriously tricky things when used by the player or the AI. Even a single nanosecond of a lapse in shielding can mean damage you didn't want.
And I think Anti-Bio Beams like Fire Beams can damage supershields.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:13 pm
by ausguerila
This sounds rather vague. Were the enemy crew being in active combat or was it a case of the enemy dying in an empty room and the game still registers their last hit?
The room might have been on the verge of destruction before the enemy crew came in and as soon as they were dead, the last hit came in.

No. Like I said, the enemy crew were moving out of the room when the room was damaged.

You do know why fires go out when you vent the oxygen from a room, right?

Oxygen was not vented from the room. The room was full of fire and the oxygen systems were up.

Beams are notoriously tricky things when used by the player or the AI. Even a single nanosecond of a lapse in shielding can mean damage you didn't want.
And I think Anti-Bio Beams like Fire Beams can damage supershields.

Like I said, the main shield had recharged and I have seen beams stop damaging a ship in similar situations.

In addition, I have come across a few other bugs:

Upon traveling to a point, Text dialogue came up with the Continue... button. After pressing Continue..., another page with text dialogue and a Continue... button came up.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:23 pm
by stylesrj
Oxygen was not vented from the room. The room was full of fire and the oxygen systems were up.

I know that, but what does a fire burn up inside an enclosed area?

Upon traveling to a point, Text dialogue came up with the Continue... button. After pressing Continue..., another page with text dialogue and a Continue... button came up.

Sounds like a real bug there. No mods were being used or had (as in you restored the game back to vanilla) been used at any time?
Because I've seen this sort of thing happen before and it usually adds a quest marker, followed by a game crash at the next jump. Black background optional.

Upon continuing a game, I noticed the ship's door systems had been upgraded and I am certain that I did not do this.

Was someone inside the Doors system at the time?

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:06 am
by ausguerila
I know that, but what does a fire burn up inside an enclosed area?

I have never seen this happen in a FTL game before. The wiki did not come up with anything as well about this.

Sounds like a real bug there. No mods were being used or had (as in you restored the game back to vanilla) been used at any time?
Because I've seen this sort of thing happen before and it usually adds a quest marker, followed by a game crash at the next jump. Black background optional.

I have no mods installed. The game is vanilla.

Was someone inside the Doors system at the time?

Yea, I figured this one out once starting another game.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:24 am
by stylesrj
I have never seen this happen in a FTL game before. The wiki did not come up with anything as well about this.

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Not only do fires damage a system and cause crew damage, they also burn up the air in the room.

You've probably never seen it happen before because most people tend to not have a fire burning for that long or the enemy ship has Level 2 or 3 Oxygen and thus can keep feeding the flames.

Also, the Wiki is full of outdated and misleading information. Experience is your best teacher. Giant alien spiders are no joke, always answer distress signals and do not approach derelict space stations even with maxed out medical facilities. Because chances are if you have a Level 3 Medbay, it's crazed cannibals who eat your best crew and if you have a Level 3 Clonebay instead, it's a disease that "passes on to the next life" and so cannot be cloned and you lose your best crew or the Crystal you worked so hard to acquire.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:35 am
by ausguerila
stylesrj wrote:
I have never seen this happen in a FTL game before. The wiki did not come up with anything as well about this.

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Not only do fires damage a system and cause crew damage, they also burn up the air in the room.

You've probably never seen it happen before because most people tend to not have a fire burning for that long or the enemy ship has Level 2 or 3 Oxygen and thus can keep feeding the flames.

Also, the Wiki is full of outdated and misleading information. Experience is your best teacher. Giant alien spiders are no joke, always answer distress signals and do not approach derelict space stations even with maxed out medical facilities. Because chances are if you have a Level 3 Medbay, it's crazed cannibals who eat your best crew and if you have a Level 3 Clonebay instead, it's a disease that "passes on to the next life" and so cannot be cloned and you lose your best crew or the Crystal you worked so hard to acquire.

Previous games did not have fires draining oxygen from rooms in my experience. But I think I figured out that problem. Which wiki are you talking about?

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:44 am
by stylesrj
Previous games did not have fires draining oxygen from rooms in my experience. But I think I figured out that problem.

I'm taking issue at the fact that you called the feature a bug instead of "Oooh, they actually got some sorta realistic fire physics here!" :lol:

Which wiki are you talking about?

If it's not the FTL Wiki and some sort of gaming wiki then that goes double for how outdated information is.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:50 am
by ausguerila
I'm taking issue at the fact that you called the feature a bug instead of "Oooh, they actually got some sorta realistic fire physics here!" :lol:
If it's not the FTL Wiki and some sort of gaming wiki then that goes double for how outdated information is.

Seeing as this never happened before in any previous FTL games and nothing came up on multiple wikis as well as nothing on any of these support forums, it is a good conclusion.

Re: List of bugs observed

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:51 am
by stylesrj
There were no previous FTL games, at least those made by Subset.