Dead End beacon paths

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Dead End beacon paths

Postby quixotecoyote » Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:05 am

Got a quest. The quest beacon was a little ways away from the exit, but looked like a normal jump. Finished the quest. Nope, it's a dead end. I'd have to go all the way back to the left side and start again. That's ~12 rebel fleet battles. Not gonna happen.

I know this game is going for death-is-fun, but death isn't fun when it's a UI problem that kills you. We need to be able to see what jumps are going to be possible before we head down a path so we don't dead-end.

It's not fun to be doing well, and then have to quit because you chose a path where there's no possible way to win.
Sudy Nym
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Re: Dead End beacon paths

Postby Sudy Nym » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:06 pm

Yes please.

I was owning on an Engi run, and was completing, if I recall correctly, the Engi homeworld quest. Then I realize, I can't jump from the beacon at the end of the quest to the exit. But then I'm delighted to discover that the game doesn't end if you get stuck in occupied space; and I'm doing so well this game, I take out four or so rebel ships.

But then a weird thing happens. I can't jump to the exit, even from the closest beacon. Is this a bug, or is this intentional? It was bad enough that I wound up at a dead end without any way to calculate it in advance. But for the exit beacon to be entirely unreachable? Or are you not supposed to be able to jump to it from occupied space? Shouldn't it just be game over once you're stuck in occupied space and not at the exit beacon, in that case?

BTW: I love your name, quixotecoyote. :P
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Re: Dead End beacon paths

Postby Matthew » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:09 pm

If you're unable to get to the exit, it's a bug. Please save and quit and send me the save file (see the profile data sticky at the top of this forum for its location) to so I can fix it.
Matthew Davis, Subset Games Developer - If you're looking for tech support, you'll get help faster emailing directly, contact info here
Sudy Nym
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Re: Dead End beacon paths

Postby Sudy Nym » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:21 pm

Thanks. I see now this is a known issue. E.g. 1, 2.

If we players get a vote, though, I sure still would like a way to know what distances are traversable generally, outside of the isolated exits issue. I get that risk is inherent to the game, but so is strategic planning. That some people feel the need to pull out rulers and manipulate screenshots in GIMP is frustrating. Shouldn't the risk come from random events and the dice rolls?

This said, this is such a fantastic game, and I love it. Thank you. 8-)
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Re: Dead End beacon paths

Postby vince0018 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:01 pm

What I thought might be nice would be; if you hover your mouse over one of the beacons reachable by your ship
(lines stretching from your ship to them) then additional dotted lines would be shown from the beacon your mouse
is hovered over, showing which beacons can be reached from there. So essentially you could only see ahead two
jumps, but it would help.

Example: | <-Hovering your mouse over this reachable beacon, would show dotted lines to next beacons.
Your ship -> *=========*------------* <-Hovering over further beacons would have no effect.
^Solid line currently in game, showing reachable beacons.

Hopefully that makes sense. Just an idea I had to make space travel a little clearer, and less frustrating in circumstances such as those people have been mentioning.