Otherwise: An FTL-RP

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Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:48 pm


For at least two years, I loved FTL like nothing else. I raced to get every ship and played for hundreds of hours to earn the 7 easy wins I have. I liked to call myself the worst FTL player to ever play the game.
I ran an FTL-RP which, to this day, has the most views of any RP of its kind. (Of its kind! The Engi Conspiracy is a different story.)
Then I walked away from FTL for different stories in different lands. Now, I'm determined to come back. My skills are rusty but I do believe I can write something that someone might pay attention to.
I thank you for your time and hope you consider joining.

2 years after the infamous rebels signed to the end of the Galactic War, something begins to surface as a group of investigators & journalists are given access to previously-classified documents about the rebellion and its members.
Their report, titled "Otherwise Led", reveals a possibility of a much larger reason and guidance for the Galactic Rebellion.
3 days later, everyone associated with the documents and the article vanish, and the piece is cancelled by the parent company for "Public and Legal safety." A further investigation uncovers no evidence as to the whereabouts of the staff and the mysterious underlying motives in question.

You are the missing staff members.

Character sheet:
AGE (At least above 18, we don't do child labor):
ROLE (Investigator, Journalist, Federation Monitor, Guard, etc.):
BACKSTORY (It can be brief or extensive, just make sure we know who you are):

Keep it PG - Nothing the real game wouldn't do or is inappropriate.
Speak clearly - Make sure your posts follow basic grammar rules and that we can understand what is going on.
Don't rush - If you feel rushed, simply take your time and include a small note in your next post detailing when your actions took place.
Be real - No random magical teleportation, etc. Just make sure you're abiding the reality rules of FTL.
General respect - You know what to do if you've ever been online before. Be courteous, etc.

This post will be followed by my character's role to get us started. Wait for your role to be approved and I post the official starting lines before you jump in. Late characters will be accepted at my discretion.

"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:01 pm

Here is mine.

NAME: Algen
RACE: Human
AGE: 24
ROLE: Proofreader
After going through his digital schooling with high grades in writing & grammar, he was requested as a staring member of a tiny startup journalism company.
Over the course of 2 years, the company grew and was bought out multiple times as a lucrative asset for its professional style, optimal demographics, and high view counts, which earned a considerable amount of profit for whoever owned it.
Algen stuck with the startup company, and became the lead proofreader. He was offered a position in an interesting one-in-a-lifetime artilce about the Galactic War, and accepted it swiftly.
He was sent the final article and began his process. He heard the news of his fellow staff vanishing just as he heard someone walking in his apartment's front door, despite it being locked.
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Chickengames » Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:40 pm

This sounds like it could be good.

NAME: Mawkish Busso (or just Maw for short)
RACE: Slug
AGE: 31
ROLE: Investigator
BACKSTORY: Maw was always suspicious of people in power, and the field of journalism allowed him to keep track of what they were doing and keep the government in check. Being a slug made him perfect for the job, and he was able to uncover several scandals and secrets. His success had given him access to the best stories. The company he worked for had aquired a profitable startup and when a lucrative story about the rebellion's members came up, he jumped on it. What he found while investigating the story shocked even him. When the story was in its final stages, Maw was sliming along to the office and had taken a shortcut he sometimes used. A waste disposal robot was rolling slowly toward him down the alley. That was the last thing he experienced of the normal world.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:15 pm

Chickengames wrote:This sounds like it could be good.

NAME: Mawkish Busso (or just Maw for short)
RACE: Slug
AGE: 31
ROLE: Investigator
BACKSTORY: Maw was always suspicious of people in power, and the field of journalism allowed him to keep track of what they were doing and keep the government in check. Being a slug made him perfect for the job, and he was able to uncover several scandals and secrets. His success had given him access to the best stories. The company he worked for had aquired a profitable startup and when a lucrative story about the rebellion's members came up, he jumped on it. What he found while investigating the story shocked even him. When the story was in its final stages, Maw was sliming along to the office and had taken a shortcut he sometimes used. A waste disposal robot was rolling slowly toward him down the alley. That was the last thing he experienced of the normal world.

Awesome! Accepted. Happy to have you (back?).

I'll wait until we have 2 to 3 more characters to begin.
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:46 pm

May I ask a few questions about the roleplay?

1. What exactly is a Federation Monitor?
2. Is AE technology a thing in this universe?
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:21 am

Jumbocarrot0 wrote:May I ask a few questions about the roleplay?

1. What exactly is a Federation Monitor?
2. Is AE technology a thing in this universe?

Sure! Happy to answer.

1. Someone who would monitor the investigation and article production to assure nobody uncovers still-classified documents or other sensitive information, and provide some protection should it be necessary.

2. Sure. Don't assume all of us will know what that tech does, but AE tech or any tech is fully permitted for use the the roleplay.
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:16 am

Now that we got those questions out of the way:

NAME: Turzil
RACE: Engi
AGE 55
ROLE: Federation Monitor
BACKSTORY: General Turzil was the last general of the Engi brigade who saved the Federation by planing a last ditch attempt to destroy the rebellion by taking out their flagship. The plan succeeded and Turzil was regarded a hero among the last remaining officers of the Federation. After the war he decided to distance himself from any sort of army position and got a job at the FIA, Federation Intelligence Agency. When the report 'Otherwise Led' started production, he was tasked as a Federation Monitor. As an engi he could scan through thousands of files in minutes, making sure anything the team were looking at were declassified before going into their hands.
One night while shifting, well more scanning, through the documents handled by the team of 'Otherwise Led' he detected smoke right outside his door. The last thing he remembers is opening the door to find a team of rockmen outside, then he was knocked out.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:32 am

Jumbocarrot0 wrote:Now that we got those questions out of the way:

NAME: Turzil
RACE: Engi
AGE 55
ROLE: Federation Monitor
BACKSTORY: General Turzil was the last general of the Engi brigade who saved the Federation by planing a last ditch attempt to destroy the rebellion by taking out their flagship. The plan succeeded and Turzil was regarded a hero among the last remaining officers of the Federation. After the war he decided to distance himself from any sort of army position and got a job at the FIA, Federation Intelligence Agency. When the report 'Otherwise Led' started production, he was tasked as a Federation Monitor. As an engi he could scan through thousands of files in minutes, making sure anything the team were looking at were declassified before going into their hands.
One night while shifting, well more scanning, through the documents handled by the team of 'Otherwise Led' he detected smoke right outside his door. The last thing he remembers is opening the door to find a team of rockmen outside, then he was knocked out.

Accepted. Depending on the rate of incoming characters, we will start when 1 or 2 more characters join.
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby AI41 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:10 pm

Hello. I would like to join.

Name: Dargjas Verik
Race: Lanius
Age: 173 (Lanius are metal right? So they would age very slowly)
Role: Investigator (He’s really a spy for a rising faction.)
Backstory: Dargjas wasn’t anywhere near the front lines of the conflict. Rather, he was recruiting an entire planet of humans to work with the Lanius. As a show of good faith, he requested a modified Lanius cruiser to be made and named after the planet. Kruos. Unfourtunately, the Federation had embarked on questionable activities during the war, and had “confiscated” it. He’s after documents on the many factions out there, and to get Kruos back to repair Lania-Kruos relations. He was reviewing his memorised data on Kruos when he was hit round the head by a large, tough fist.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:27 am

AI41 wrote:Hello. I would like to join.

Name: Dargjas Verik
Race: Lanius
Age: 173 (Lanius are metal right? So they would age very slowly)
Role: Investigator (He’s really a spy for a rising faction.)
Backstory: Dargjas wasn’t anywhere near the front lines of the conflict. Rather, he was recruiting an entire planet of humans to work with the Lanius. As a show of good faith, he requested a modified Lanius cruiser to be made and named after the planet. Kruos. Unfourtunately, the Federation had embarked on questionable activities during the war, and had “confiscated” it. He’s after documents on the many factions out there, and to get Kruos back to repair Lania-Kruos relations. He was reviewing his memorised data on Kruos when he was hit round the head by a large, tough fist.

I'm really sorry for letting this RP die for a bit there, but I still plan to start it. If anyone is still here, than:

Accepted! We'll be starting just about here. To make it clear:

You are totally allowed to join mid-RP. Just post your character application and wait for it to be accepted, then hop in.

I'll post the beginning of the RP soon. I hope some of you are still listening!
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."