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An FTL journey

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:01 am
by NintendoFan
So I haven't played FTL in quite a while, and I got this weird urge to play the game again. I figured why not share this playthrough with everyone else? I'll go and play the game, and then take "notes" as I progress.


So I'm at the hangar. For the character's names in this playthrough I'm going to use "personal" names. One of them will be me, named under my current username aka NintendoFan. The other two will be named after two other guys I've been good friends with for over 2 years at this point - I don't want to give out too personal information so I'll just use the usernames they use around the internet, Brady23 and Spongyoshi. I have some other ships unlocked but I think I'll stay with the kestrel. Also naming it "The worst ship" because this is going to go horribly probably. I've only played easy mode since the game is kind of unforgiving on normal mode(I haven't updated my game, it's an old version but I can't seem to access steam atm to update). So I'll go with easy mode again.


I started in a nebula. Isn't that great? I got a few options for jumps, one of them being a store. I didn't really need to go there yet so I went to an unvisited location which was outside of the nebula I was in. In there was some ship telling me I had to play a fee of 24 scrap to pass, but since that's obvious bullshit I decided to attack them. Scrap is important in this game anyway. We shoot at each other for a bit and now they're surrendering. If I accept their surrender I get 1 fuel, 1 drone part, and 13 scrap. I feel like they have more so I'm going to keep attacking them.


Killed them, and got 1 fuel, 2 missiles, and 22 scrap. So I'd say that was a good move. I don't really usually use drones anyway. There's two stores on the map and another unknown I can visit, but this time I'm going to a store - The "second" one, ie the one I found by going to where I am now to restore some of my ship's hull and buy some fuel and stuff.


Okay, so I bought the stuff, and I saw a distress signal, so I went there, and there was a guy on a desolate planet. I bring him back to my ship, but unfortunately he became increasingly violent and killed one of my crew members, brady. Isn't this a great start? One of our original members are dead and I'm not even out of the first sector. Anyway, going to go closer to the exit now.


So I jumped and I found an auto assault ship. I had the option of attempting to download it's data for useful information of the sector or just stripping it of scrap. I went for the scrap route, which was 14. I jump to the next place and there's another auto assault ship. However this time I can either just attack it or leave it alone. I decide to attack it, and I blow it up easily enough. I get some info about the sector and 11 scrap. I jump to the next place and nothing interesting happens, so free space. From where I am at I can only jump into a nebula or a possible ship location. I don't want to go back to where I was and waste time so I'm going for the possible ship location.


The possible ship location had a rebel ship which I defeated, and got 1 fuel, 1 missile, and 25 scrap. The outpost that the rebels were going to attack thanks us for defending them, and gives us 2 fuel and 24 scrap. So pretty good. I decided to put a large chunk of the scrap into my ship, which was for the shield. 50 for upgrading the shield so it could support another layer, and 40 for more power bars. Jumping to the exit now.


I decided to have a look at another unvisited location near the exit, and it was a black market trade, I could've traded all(5) of my missiles for 15 scrap but missiles are important and I don't want to have 0 of them, so I declined. Moving on to the second sector. I can either go for a Engi controlled sector or a civilian sector. Going with Engi.


I spot a distress signal, so I went for it. There's a ship with no one in it floating around on an asteroid field. I try to see if I can get into the ship but unfortunately the asteroids give me enough hull damage to tell my characters "it's not worth it," so they pull out. Sigh. I jump to the next location and there's an auto assault ship guarding a storage cache. I defeat it easily enough, get 23 scrap from the remains of that ship, and inside the cache is 13 scrap and a new weapon: Fire Beam. I don't remember this weapon from my previous playthroughs, but I guess I'll see if it's useful.


There's another distress signal from where I am at. I go there, and there's another federation ship in need of some help. I give them what they need(3 fuel, I had 8 fuel so it's kind of risky but not really since there's a store nearby :P), they thank me and give me a new weapon: Fire Bomb. Two fire weapons, huh... I really hope these are useful.


Another distress signal. I go there, and there's an Engi ship falling apart. I dock it and try to rescue the Engi, but in the process I lost one of my own crew members: Spongyoshi, who sacrificed his own life to save an Engi. Wow, the feels right now. I'm the only one from the original team alive now. If the pattern continues I will be gone in sector 3. This really isn't good with this few crew members. Anyway, the name of the Engi that got rescued is Yevon Si. Welcome aboard, Yevon... To the worst ship in the universe.


The next spot I jump to, there's another ship that asks me for a favor since my ship is well equipped with military stuff. They tell me that a friend's outpost is getting attacked by a rebel, and they want my help. Having no reason to decline other than to be a cold bastard, I accepted it. And conveniently, the outpost is one jump away from where I am. I defeat the rebel ship there, and get 25 scrap from the guys that run the outpost. I upgrade my ship(30 scrap into the engine, and 25 for another power bar) and then I buy some more missiles from the outpost. There's nowhere to go from where I am except for another outpost and the exit, so the exit it is. At the exit I find 14 scrap and a hull repair drone. Could be useful If I upgrade my ship to have that drone room. The next two places I can go to are a civilian sector or the zoltan homeworlds. Zoltan sounds more interesting so going with that.


So... I go to a store, buy some more missiles and fuel, and the next spot I jump to has a well equipped zoltan police ship. Things escalate far enough to the point where they send over 4 zoltans to destroy my ship. With 2 crew members... I tried to kill them, but 4v2 isn't a very good situation for me. I managed to kill one I think, but they also killed... Me. I managed to get Yevon out of there and to repair the oxygen room. They destroyed my healing, doors, cameras, and are about to destroy my weapons. While all of this was happening I tried shooting missiles at the other ship but could not destroy it in time. I tried to get Yevon to the healing room so he could repair it and heal himself, but he walked through the weapons room and two zoltans were already there, and since he was low on health he got killed.

game over, a score of 586.

Wow. I kind of feel like I could convert this into a fanfiction story but it'd be kind of short lived thanks to that zoltan ship. But maybe I could do things to spice it up, who knows.

And I might do this again. This was actually quite fun.