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The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 12:24 am
by dyno101
COM10010011001101 HISTORY LOGS
- Machine10 Device Security - By ETech -

Program Ran:

The pressured Engi stepped away from the Terminal.
"Request fulfilled. Request of release."
The Rebel Captain stepped in front of the terminal, keeping his gun aimed at the Engi's chest.
'You're staying right here until you figure out what this means."
"Request invalid. Terminal refusing access to requested information."
The captain sighed. After all, he hadn't just lost 8 of his best men trying to capture an Engi technology captain for him to get nowhere.
"Guards, Take him to the cruiser. Put him in the execution line."
"Yes sir, Captain."
"No. Request release. Request.. Request.."
The captain sat there for a moment, alone with his thoughts and the beginning of the largest virtual and living genocide of many millennia to come.
"You know what? Stop and kill him on the spot."
The sound of a robotic final cry of a death of an Engi echoed the halls.
It was also the sound of the first death of the Alias Rampage.

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:27 am
by dyno101
The federation's new human coding expert walked into the room. He was a proper figure, carrying an ancient machine commonly referred to as a "Laptop".
"..Is this the best we could get?" The federation officer asked. They had hired the oddball mercenary for quite the steep scrap demand, so expecting much was fair.
"Oh," The mercenary responded, not yet revealing his name, "I got this thing on the black market for 120 scrap. They thought they had scammed me saying it was new. Really, They scammed themselves, and to prove that, I turned around and scammed them with the laptop and the laptop alone. I whipped 3,000 scrap profit from their accounts, easy."
"You realize we could have you prisoned for that info?"
"Sure! I have no problem rotting behind bars watching you watch all your loyal men die in "Accidental Crashes"!"
The commander leaned over and whispered to his advisor, "I think he knows what he's doing."
"So," The advisor asked, "We need to know everything we can about this bug."
"Sure, I could do that. But the chances are you'll not know what to do with it, give me my pay, banish me to jail, and everyone you know and/or love will die."
The table turned quiet. Nobody knew what to say, and the mercenary quietly smirked.
"So," The commander inquired, "What is your name?"
"Screw you."
"... It's jastin."

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 5:04 pm
by dyno101
The realization

The commander woke up. He glanced at his clock, and suddenly threw himself out of bed. He rushed to change and quickly brushed his hair, trying desperately to straighten his hair.
He opened the door. A scout stood in front of him, Already in full uniform. "Sir, one of the cruisers went haywire 2:00:45 this morning. We got aboard and tried to regain control, but.."
"How many dead?"
"All. A fresh count is being calculated, but I was the only one to make it out alive."
"What caused it?"
"Nobody knows."
"Oh lord..."
The commander shoved the scout out of the way and ran down the hall.
"Sir! SIR! M-Morghan!"
The commander rushed back down the hall, an angry glare in his eyes.
"What are you doing calling my name?!?"
"Look at the tablet.."
The screen was running some sort of program. The green letters and code entered itself.
And then it went blank.
"What's your name, scout?"
"I'll have you penalized by tomorrow.."
"B-But Si-"
And then it began.
The lights of the entire ship went out. The dark hum of the engine went blank and all the glowing lights of the blasters and cannons went dark.
The commander stood in the dark.
"Why didn't I listen to him?"

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 12:31 am
by dyno101

"Hello Bond. Jastin bond."
"Hello again. I thought you'd need me."
"Look, you were right. Overnight, the bug took an entire cruiser down, and I'm afraid our cruiser's next. What do I do to stop this thing?"
"Stop it? Oh, no, I'm afraid that must be saved for later. When it's worth my time."
"You're going to let more people die?"
"I'm sorry if I'm the only one here who knows what they're talking about. You see, if people don't learn a lesson now, then the weaknesses exposed by this bug will be used in a full scale attack, using a bug capable of ravaging entire sectors in a matter of hours. It's not an unpracticed thought."
"This has happened before?!?"
"Oh, yes. Many dark truths are found in the Archives."
"..The archives?"

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:47 pm
by dyno101

"The archive is a complex server log of every single event in this galaxy's history, from James Bond to the discovery of the Dokashimi door glitch of Pokémon green Japanese edition. 10 years ago, me and a team of experts of all kinds began our quest to find and archive everything we could, and we stopped at no boundary to find the information we desired."

"So why does any of this matter to the Alias Bug?" The commander demanded.

"I have to reassemble my team. I can't let the Alias Bug reach the servers."
"So why don't you stop the bug already?"
"For 1, I have to make people realize that the security of our computers and servers needs upgrading.
Second of all, I can't do it alone."
The commander sat motionless, looking annoyed and angry.
"Okay, look. I'm tired of the complicated babble. You need to stop the bug now. I don't care about your servers or whatever."
The table was silent. Then the quiet sound of the whiz of a blaster being charged echoed from under the table.
"Who are you assembling, and what do you need me to do to get them together?"
"Agree to my terms."
"What terms?"
"That you give me a well armed ship and strip it of any tracking or monitoring devices."
"You're asking me to let you go free? And just trust you to come back?"
"Hm. It seems you have no perspective of my power. To give you some, I'm going to do a magic trick.
Your net worth in scrap is One billion, Three-hundred and sixty-seven million, Two-hundred and one thousand, One hundred and one. And 87 Hundredths.
45 percent of that was illegally sourced.
Of that percentage, 23 percent was from the profit of making deals with Engi-enslaving mantis - The infamous Slaves for Scrap network.
47 percent was from the profit of working with double-agent rebels to profit off the war.
The other 30 percent is from overtaxing your own soldiers for their LIFE INSURANCE.

"...The next round of fleet ships coming back to the base is tomorrow. You'll take one of those. And no, it will not be tracked."

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:01 pm
by dyno101
Chapter III

Jastin Sat alone in the ship's captain seat, the sound of the prepared FTL drive filling the empty rooms with a feeling of adventure and fear.
"Now, if I was the most skilled mantis fighter in the business, where would I hide?" He quietly asked himself.
And then he quickly jumped.
"A year before he left, he told me he might pick up mercenary work when the archive was finished. He said he enjoys fast jobs that could quickly follow one another, for the thrill of it. And the best place for that would be..."
Interrupting his thoughts, a rebel ship appeared on the radar, quickly hailing him.
"We will defeat all fede-"
"Chitty-Chitty-Chat-Chat," Jastin responded, "Now is this an engi sector?"
Jastin quickly jumped, knowing he'd need full hull for this next encounter.
The rebel elite Sat there, it's captain leaning on his desk with his head in his hands.

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:13 am
by dyno101
Jastin knew his old crewmember in and out, so he knew this is exactly what he'd do with his time. He loved the thrill of risking your own death to kill, which is exactly what the Engi Outback was designed for. Engi were known for being a commonly peaceful race, and with that rewarding reputation at steak, the few Spiteful Engi there were had to hide thoughts of hate and darkness deep inside. Yet, those thoughts flourished in darkness and grew until they could not be ignored. From there, the Engi had 2 options: Do the job itself, which usually failed and got the Engi killed, or hire someone to do it for them. Hence, the Engi Outback, an area full of Mercenaries ready to work for any Engi with a kill list.
Jastin knew all this because he had once been a mercenary there himself, and hence he had very profound memories as he flew toward the "Shopping Station".
"Hello! Welcome to the Engi Drone SUPERST-"
"I'm looking to hire."
"Dock port B. Do not open Broadband channels or communicate in any way to a form outside the station. Violators will be killed."
Jastin flew the ship up to the dock doors and carefully managed the ship into place, thinking about how he would convince his lost teammate tom join him.
He heard the click of the docking doors locking.
And he had an idea.
He pulled out his blaster and smirked.
He jumped out of the airlock doors, charged his blaster and yelled, "Nobody move! This is a hostage operation!"
The Engi and Mercenaries ran out of firing range and Jastin was suddenly surrounded by guards holding their charged rifles so that their tactical lasers aligned perfectly on his head.
The guns slowly charged, and Jastin dropped his gun. Not because of fear.
His old crewmember walked through the line of guards, fully in a captain's tattered uniform.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
"Hello Kar. I thought you'd hold that position."
"But you didn't know, did you? So why did you risk your life?"
"A better question is, 'Would you have done a single thing differently'?"
"No, I wouldn't have, Mr. Bond."

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:01 pm
by dyno101
The trained mantis warrior stepped closer to Jastin, a serious look suddenly dawned.
"What do you need me for?" He asked in a deep, monotone voice.
Jastin looked up at the lights in the massive domed roof of the station. They were all burning bright except one in the very top of the roof that flickered quietly, a spark sent flying down.
"Does this station have a Self Destruct mechanism?" He quickly whispered in reply.
"Yes. Why?"
"Kar, get in the ship. Run. Now."
"GO." Jastin responded, louder than usual.
One of the guards stepped forward and asked, "Captain, what's happening?"
Kar looked at him, glaring with bloodshot eyes.
"Yes-s-sir." The guard mumbled, stepping back.
"Kar, I really need you to get in the ship right this instant. I need your help. The Servers are in danger."
Kar walked quietly into the ship, quickly followed by Jastin.
They both ran up the steps and closed the blast doors behind them.
"MAN THE ENGINES." Jastin yelled in a deep voice.
"I thought the servers were done!" Kar yelled back over the intercom.
"Look, Kar. I know you liked your thrilling life, and I wouldn't want anything else for you, but you need to say goodbye to it. Now turn on the engines and prepare to jump."
"NO! Jastin, I'm NOT leaving it all behind for your WORHTLESS SERVERS!"
The intercom fell silent.
"Fine. Let me show you why."
He backed the ship away from the station as fast as possible and turned the ship around. A large blast could be heard from behind the ship, and scrap and debris went flying by the windows.
"There's a virus going around and I need everyone's help to stop it. It can turn ships against themselves in seconds, and I don't know how or why or anything about the bug. I need the team back."
"I can show you where Slice is, but I don't think you want to see him without the rest of us."
"No, I don't."

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:21 am
by dyno101
The ship, now composed of 2 crew, jumped away from the station.
"Who do we get next? Mark?"
"Try 'Pavlo.' He's the captain of a federation cruiser, and using the schedule of the fleet's ships returning to the base for repair, and the 1 jump between us and the base I came from, and math, If we turn around and head back now, we'll meet him at the base."
"Then why did you get me? Couldn't you have waited at the base for Pavalo? You are the god of stalling."
"One, I needed you not to die, hence me saving your life. Two, I was threatened at gunpoint, and three, I might need someone to look threatening."
"Wait. I have to go into the Federation base?"
"There's uniforms and fake ID's in the closet behind you. Suit up."
"Screw you."
"Appreciate it!"
As Kar finished changing, Jastin piloted the ship back to the beacon and jumped.
As they reached the base, their ship was automatically scanned and a voice came over the intercom.
"Leave. You don't have everyone you need. I know it." The commander demanded.
"Yes, and you have someone I need. Pavlo Reneje, captain of the Raven cruiser."
The commander sighed. "You can't have him. We need him"
"I need him."
"That I can't have him."
"I'll get him on the intercom." The commander replied, suppressing the urge to have the ship blown to bits.
Jastin waited, and his crewmember's voice echoed over the intercom.
"Hello, I am captain of Cruiser Raven. Ship status: Ready to serve."
"Hello Pavlo. Hasn't it been a while?"
"It's about the virus, isn't it?"
"Have you been keeping up your studies?"
"I need you. I need to protect the Servers from Alias.exe. Our years of hard work for the better education of the next generation. For the truth. At risk."
"I'm in. Commander, get me on the ship."
The commander responded only to Pavlo. The comms were silent.
"Commander, do you want do die?"
Silence. Again.
Then the sound of a one-way warp filled the ship.

Re: The "Alias Bug"

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:45 am
by dyno101
"And so we meet again. This time, don't attempt to blow off my right hand."
Pavlo chuckled. He and Jastin had deep roots, and had met long before the servers were even an idea.
"I won't for now. I probably will before you screw up and get us all killed."
"That's fair enough. Now then, you know about the bug, don't you?"
"Yes. And I have kept up my studies."
"Good. I thought you would. Now how did you end up a captain?"
"Long story short, I had applied to take the tests for cruiser captain rank. The current captain of my cruiser died mid-mission, and I was first on the application list. I was captain. Things worked out. I stayed captain."
"Very well. Now we have one more living thing to collect before.."
"Yes. I'm afraid he's taken on a role we cannot specify."
"I understand. Now where would Slav put himself?"