The I beat it thread...

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The I beat it thread...

Postby Orduck » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:19 am

Simple thread. Just tell your story about the first time you beat last stand =p

I JUST got it this morning before work.

It was beautiful. I was using the default ship, renamed the SS Spacewang. My plucky crew was piloted by my captain (who I named after myself and despite the odds survived this time to the bitter end unlike his usual death to a mantis, hull breach, fire, etc etc etc).

My loadout was two lasers, one rocket and a mark 2 defensive drone as well as a mark 1 defensive drone. I had the fast loading mod as well as the fire upon arrival mod.

I breezed through phase 1 of the mothership, thinking this was WAY too easy. Phase 2, my personal nemesis was the problem. I lost approximately 3/4 of my hull to the damn drones before I finished the phase.

I was WAY too far from a repair station so I said "Screw it!" and dove right back in for Phase 3 with my 1/4 hull.

The last phase was truly epic.

I was a monster, destroying the mother ship in record time. I didn't count on the overcharge lasers doing as much damage as they did and thought for sure I'd be a goner.

I had 1 hit left on my hull, the mothership had 4.

I had all my shields up and all my weapons just finished their cooldown! I let loose with the entire volley while I watched their shield room burn. As I fired I had the ominous "power surge detected" and he fires all his lasers.

As his lasers begin to hit my shields I see that my volley was a complete success! I see the last little bar of health disappear off the mothership!! However his surge shot has gotten through my shields and taken my last hit point away!

I watch as both our ships break apart in silence.....

SUCCESS! Victory is mine, as his ship broke apart first and I am declared the winner!!

So exciting. I haven't felt this good about a game since the original X-com...

Thank you.