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Postby TrashMan » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:21 am

TALE 1: The USS Starf***er

A "mighty" Kerstel set off into the void of space on an impossible mission. It's crew, hand-picked rejec-...ahem...heroes.
At the helm, captain Picrud
His second in command, weapons officer Lt. Cmdr. Kurk
Teh science officer Lt. Speck
And the enginnering Officer Schrotty

Bold and brave did they venturo into the unknown, facing many a dangers, defeating rebel ambushes and saving civilian freighters from pirate attacks. But it was a voyage not without hardship and loss.
Second captian Kurk was lost saving green alien chicks from mutant spiders. He died a hero.
But new new members were found to fill our ranks.
Officer Huhaha (ony female) and Zoltan and Barry, the two corageous aliens.

And the ship made it boldly to the eight sector and stood to face the might of the rebel flagship, alone.
His weapons spat death and gravely was the rebel ship injured. It tried to flee, but the Starfu**er followed, despite being injured itself. There were no repair station in the vicinity.
And there is was beset by drones. Countless drones of all types.

The enemy focused fire on the drone control system, to keep the Starfu**ers own defense drones off-line.
The crew fought bravely, but more and more shots came tough despite teh captains amazing piloting skills. In a last, desperate bid, the crew teleported to assult the enemy ship. Fire boms and well placed shots have wounded or killed a number of the enemy crew already.
But it was too late. As the rebel drone control systems exploded, so did the Starf**er.
The valiant crew left on the enemy flagship fought to the last man.