Dead Ends.

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Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:32 am

Dead Ends.

Postby Jarwain » Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:49 am

We traveled into the Nebula.
It was our last hope. The ship was badly damaged. We had to slow the Rebels down long enough to make it to the exit, or to find a shop to fix our damaged hull.
We charted a course through the Nebula, and we hit the edge of it without event. We looted some extra fuel from some pirates. Its a good thing our shields held up.

We start to arm the FTL drive to the exit beacon. As we chart the route, we realize that there was no connection from the edge of the nebula to the exit beacon, and we were as close to the exit as possible. With the rebels close on our tails, we headed up to try and find a connection.
Nothing. Nothing at all. We hit an asteroid field and some Zoltan ship began to attack us. They landed one hit before we decimated their hull with our Halberd Beam. But there was no connection to the next beacon, and the rebels were right on us. With nowhere else to go, we headed up once more.
Nothing but a double-star system. It was beautiful, and fitting. There was nowhere to go and the rebel's were en route. Our Captain told us the news. We were going down, but not without a fight.
Our Hull could take two more hits. Two. We ran into a Rebel ship and armed our weapons. Our Captain and Engine Man were professionals at what they did, but it wasn't enough.
An Artemis Missile was fired, their shields went down. It was quickly followed by Burst Lazers targeted at their Weapons system, and a Halberd beam Spanning the Shield, Engine, and Weapons.
But it wasn't enough. They were too strong. A laser was fired, taking out our shields, and a Beam split the ship into two pieces. The air rushed out of The Nameless One, and our faithful ship exploded.

I hope the pictures express my rage. >.>
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:13 am

Re: Dead Ends.

Postby Zelnick » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:23 am

Probably, you should post this in the Bug-section...
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:32 am

Re: Dead Ends.

Postby Jarwain » Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:33 am

I meant to, but I had to go get some sleep. Doing that now, in fact.