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!!ENDGAME SPOILERS!! Red-tail, the unfinished journey...

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:28 pm
by TheAzryte
Opening record...

Red-Tail: B-type Kestrel crusier
Status: MIA, believed KIA

*Due to the nature to the Red-Tail's mission crew members information beyond experiance, race and role is redacted*
Captain, Engi, veteran: MIA/KIA
Engineering officer, Engi, veteran: MIA/KIA
Weapons officer, Voltan, veteran: MIA/KIA
Shield officer, Human, veteran: MIA/KIA
2 man combat team, Human/Mantis: MIA/KIA

Ship systems:
Improved blast doors
Grade 2 sensors
Blast laser mark II
Blast laser mark I
Breach bomb mark II
Grade 2 transporter
Quad shield array
High powered grade 2 engines

Acessing last recorded log...

"There it is... Their flagship, prepare borading ops, chrage all weapons!"
!Incoming missiles!
"Evasive manuvers, full power to engines!"
!Warning hull breach detected, warning fire detected!
"Enemy rocket battery offline, ready for transporting."
"Fire everything at their shield system, prepare for re-deployment to enemy ion battery."
"Enemy shields hit, half down."
"Ion down!"
"Another volley!"
!Enemy ship has suffered critical damage!
"Great job crew."
!Enemy FTL drive activating!
"Chase them!"

"Alright, they're battered already, same procedure as last time."
!Boarders detected!
!Power surge detected!
"Oh hell, fire everything now, take out shields and drone control, emergency power to engines!"
!Hull at less then 50%!
"One more shot..."
!Enemy has sustained critical damage!
!Enemy FTL drive activating!
"Not again damn it!"

"Fire all our weapons, all the missile, just tear that thing apart!"
!Power surge detected!
!Missiles inbound!
!Hull intergrity critical!

"Damn it, Red to Fleet, we failed, the flagship is coming, it's too powerful, run. This is Red-Tail signing off."

End file.

Re: !!ENDGAME SPOILERS!! Red-tail, the unfinished journey...

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:06 am
by TRWartune
Nice story :D