Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

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Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:36 pm

"Are You Crazy! You want me to travel across 8 sectors and deliver information alone, that's suicide."
I slammed my hand on the table, and stared eye to eye with my commander, Admiral Teris, as he sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Look Robert, you're our best pilot..."
"I know, I should be out in the front lines with a nice big crew and a well armed ship, but instead you're sending me out in a lifeboat alone with a tiny message!!!"
Teris groaned, and for a moment, he stared at me with his cold blue eyes.
"You won't be alone, Gunnery Sergeant Adrian Reese will be accompanying you, along with the two original occupants of the ship you will be using."
"So I'm using a civilian vessel and have to play babysitter! Perfect, this day keeps getting better and better.!"
"Robert Sepulch, this mission is vitally important to the survival of the federation, the rebels have a superweapon on their flagship that would annihlate our base in an hour. And if you do not follow my orders I will have you stripped of your rank."
"Yes Sir."

That was two days ago, now here I stand in the hangar bay, staring with wonder at the massive crystalline vessel which I will be piloting. the words BraveSoul are etched onto it's sides, and light reflects off it's blue edges, showering the entire hangar bay in a dazzling sea of turqouise.
"Dear Lord..."
Behind me, I hear slow ponderous footsteps. It sounds like my two new crew members are rockmen, but after what I have just seen I'm ready for anything. Taking a deep breath I turn to face my crew. Gunnery Sergeant Adrian Reese, the best shot with a laser I know, and beside him, two beings, they tower above me, each one the same size as a rockman but made of the same dazzling crystal as the ship, the crystal on their body shifts around in an eerie manner. Slowly one steps forth, and speaks in a clear tone, It's voice like the sound of a wineglass being blown into.
"I am Ezonda, and this is Eckmanis, we are from the ancestor race of the rocks, and we will be escorting you on your journey. I will handle the shields and Eckmanis will handle the engines."
And with that the two move up the docking ramp into the ship. Adrian turns to me, and whispers.
"Those two, they creep me out. How bout you Rob?"
I stop, and remember to breathe.
"Yes, yes they do."

I spin around in the captains chair, examining the lines of data on my tablet.
Class 1 - Shields, Class 2 - Engines, Basic Medbay and Oxygen Tanks, Class-3 Weapons control, No autopilot, Basic Sensors and Doors. Level 10 reactor. 16 units of fuel and 120 pieces of scrap. Basically as much as they could shove onto the ship before launch.
"Perfect, It's only slightly better than a factory default kestral."
I spin around to my mike, and tap it twice.
"Testing testing one two three."
Adrian and the two crystals respond affirmative. I grin, as I begin to calibrate the tools and charge the FTL drive, this is my zone, my ship, this is where I am at my best. I activate comms and give my first command.
"All crew to stations, Max Power to FTL drive, jump in three... two... one.."
And then the stars flew past in a blink, everything blurred, the cockpit shook like mad, and everything stopped.
Last edited by phantam23 on Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby BananaDealer » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:04 pm

"Your... Your everywhere..."

Every time somebody misspells you're (you are) with your a puppy drowns in a pool of tar...
You killed two today.
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:56 pm

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:12 pm

BananaDealer wrote:"Your... Your everywhere..."

Every time somebody misspells you're (you are) with your a puppy drowns in a pool of tar...
You killed two today.

Well shit, so i did. Let me fix that. It's been a long time since I've had a sit down to write. So sorry.
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:36 am

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby BananaDealer » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:30 pm

phantam23 wrote:
BananaDealer wrote:"Your... Your everywhere..."

Every time somebody misspells you're (you are) with your a puppy drowns in a pool of tar...
You killed two today.

Well shit, so i did. Let me fix that. It's been a long time since I've had a sit down to write. So sorry.

Those puppies are still dead! Their deaths shall forever haunt your soul!
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Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:56 pm

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:31 pm

As soon as the jump completes, I run a quick scan, and pick up signs of a Rebel AI ship. I rerun the scan, and realise that it seems to be guarding a Long Range Scanner station. I quickly debate wether to continue flying blind or risk an engagement so early into my journey. After a moment's thought, I decided. I would rather burn early on than not know wether the next jump might send me straight into the heart of a sun. I open the comms channel.
"Gunnery Sergeant Reese, full power to weapons systems."
As the weapons power up, they slide out of the hull. Long crystal covered barrels lock into place, once again these aliens crystal based technology suprises me. I quickly check in with Enzonda.
"Enzonda, tell me what these weapons do."
"They punch through the enemy shields and armor, they are of our finest make. Are you doubting them or are you simply ignorant of the function of kinetic weapons."
I make a mental note to not ask the bloody crystal aliens about the ship, and wait for the weapons to charge up. A second later, the Rebel ship fires it's first shot, as the laser arcs towards me, I spin the BraveSoul around, attempting to dodge it, but to no avail, The shot smashes into our shields, fizzling them. A moment later, a beam slashes across our unshielded hull, setting the engine room alight and damaging the engines. Chunks of the crystal hull float off, forcing the Rebel drone to twist over to avoid them.
"Eckmanis, what's your status."
"Do not fear captain, I have this fire under control."
His tone is confident, but in the background i can hear the cackling of flames.
"Reese, light them up, concentrate fire on weapons controls."
The guns cackle to life, firing a mass of crystal at the ship, ripping open the hull and carrying the weapons console with it. Then our engines go down.
"Enzonda, their weapons are down, get into the engine room!"
"If you say so human."
From my console, I watch as Enzonda makes his way to the engine room. As the two crystal's smash the fire into submission, Adrian let's loose another volley at the Ship, tearing it to shreds. scraps and fuel float past, and the reclaimation arm retrieves some. I check the engine room, and give a sigh of relief.
"Eckmanis, how are you."
"I am fine Captain Sepulch, we are repairing the engine room as I speak."
A burst of static, as Enzonda cuts in.
"You are nowhere near fine Eckmanis, go to the medbay immediately."
"Enzonda, clear your comms and return to the shield console, use the scraps from the enemy ship and some of our own to upgrade the shields. Eckmanis, please take a quck visit to the medbay, I need you in top form before the next jump."
"Yes Sir"
I sit back in my chair, and watch as the systems return to normal.
"Power down weapons and engine and get some rest guys, this is just the first step."

Freeze Dried bullshit for breakfast. I add some water but it still tastes like mouldy cardboard. The crystals don't eat anything, just stare at me and adrian as we scoff down the grub. As I toss the tray into waste disposal, I turn to my crew.
"You know the drill, everybody to stations and power up those engines, I want weapons hot when we get there just in case."
I watch as the rest of the crew leaves, all except Enzonda. He takes a few steps to me, and bends down.
"Your poor command skills almost cost us a member of my species yesterday. I will listen to you for now, but if anything happens to Eckmanis, I will snap your neck and assume command of this ship, are we clear."
I glare into the eyes of this crystal giant, and give a small cough.
"I am the captain here, not you, and I will not tolerate threats. Your a good system operator, but if you give me reason to, I will jettison you into the depths of space."
Enzonda nods, and heads off, as the doors close, I hear his voice.
"So we are in agreement."

As I collapse back into my seat, I take a deep breath, my heart racing. That had been close. I power up the FTL drive, and check the data the ship downloaded from the station. A distress beacon, up ahead. I make the jump, and the stars blur.

A small ship moves over.
"Reese, power up the weapons."
I ready the controls, when I notice that I am being hailed.
"Hello, Evelyn Korve here, we are a carrying civilians and have run out of fuel, can you spare two units of fuel?"
"Yes, sure, thought you were rebels for a moment there."
After the transfer is complete, Evelyn reopens comms.
"Thank the gods, now We can finally get out of here. We'll be jumping straight home so take this weapon, We won't be needing it."
A Burst Laser is sent over to us, and I instruct Adrian to install it. As I send it to him, he opens comms and begins to jabber exitedly.
"It's a mark 3, amazing, why would civilians be carrying this, but anyway, look at this thing, isn't it a beauty, five shots in quick succession... Oh yes. I've already upgraded the generator and weapons control to accomadate it."
"You've done what."
"We're almost out of scraps though..."
I sigh, and begin to power up the FTL drives once more.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:48 pm

*cry* Not the puppies.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:22 pm

As my jump completes, I receive a message from a ship, requesting me to pay a toll of 18 scraps.
“I have neither the scraps nor the time for your bullshit, this is federation business and I recommend you move aside.”
The reply comes in short and simple.
“Too bad, you will come to regret this decision.”
I cut comms with the pirates.
“Adrian, power up the Burst Laser, Enzonda full power to shields. Eckmanis, lower the engines’ energy consumption.”
A laser burst hits the shields, taking them down, followed by an ion blast to the shield console. The ship shakes, and I can hear Enzonda’s swears over the comms. Before we can get shields up, another ion burst hits the console.
“Adrian here, the lasers are fully charged.”
“Target their weapons systems.”
The laser buzzes to life, firing a salvo of five shots, all but one hit their mark. My sensors indicate that their weapons are offline, giving time for me to recharge the lasers.
The second salvo misses their mark, with only two shots hitting the half repaired weapons console.
As I fire the last salvo, our shields are brought down again by the ion blast, even as their ship is ripped to pieces.
“Take a rest guys, and get ready for the next jump.”

More freeze dried cardboard for breakfast. The crystals seem to be warming up, Enzonda no longer looks like he wants to spit in my food and snap my neck, now he only seems to want to snap my neck. Adrian is still gushing about the burst laser over breakfast, and I zone him out, carrying my food to the helm with me, I don’t want to listen to him talk about how effective it is, I’ve seen it for myself.
“Everybody to stations, Jumping in three, two, one.”
And the stars blurred.

The jump complete, and scanners show a ship off in the distance. I run the usual scan, and it comes out as Xerxes, a well-known slug slave trader around these parts who I had a previous run in with. He hails me.
I cringe at his method of advertisement.
“Fine Xerxes, we’ll take her, but I’ll have it be clear that I do not stand for slavery.”
A quick transaction later, and I had a Mantis in my crew quarters. Slowly, I took my laser blade and cut away the bonds holding her. Immediately, her muscles uncoiled, and she leapt, pinning me to the wall as her jaw opened over my head, threatening to lop off my neck in a swift bite. I let out a little scream.
“Don’t hurt me, your free now!”
The Mantis looked at me, and with its throaty rasp of a voice, it spoke.
“Why would you throw away so much scraps to free a… as your species call us… Viscous and primal race.”
“I don’t know… Please don’t eat me…”
The Mantis took a step back, and offered a claw.
“I am Aisha, and my home has already been picked clean by your so-called rebels. Where do you head.”
“We are passing vital information to the federation fleet so that they can defeat the rebels.”
“Then I will join your crew for now.”
I shook hands with her, and gave the medbay a quick visit for the lacerations on my hands and throat. Then, I returned to my quarters to find her still waiting.
“Aisha, go with Eckmanis to the Engine Room, I want you on standby In case of boarders.”
She nodded and scurried off, and I headed back to the helm of the ship, and prepared the jump to the next area, which the map stated had a shop hosted near the beacon.
“All crew to stations, power up the engines and prepare for Jump.”
And the stars blurred.

The rock grinned, Butters he claimed to be named.
“I’m good at clearing fires and boarding actions, I also know basics of repair work and how to man every station on a ship.”
“You had better, that’s quite a salary.”
“Actually, it’s a onetime payment.”
“Welcome aboard butters.”

A quick visit to the shop, and we were stocked up on fuel, one crew member stronger, one teleport pad better and completely broke.
“All crew, take a nap and prepare for jump.”
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:36 am

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby BananaDealer » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:41 pm

Obviously, you are no fan to puppies...
But I like where this is going... The narrative style is a bit off in my head, but generally OK for a fanfic...
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:08 am

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby kingofhell214 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:16 am

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:56 pm

Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:23 am

Butters Log:
Today, I was finally hired by a human named Robert Sepulche. He was federation, off to deliver essential data to the home base. Normally I’d prefer to be hired by a bunch of pirates than the fucking Federation, but he paid me well. I had thought I would be working in a small Federation Cruiser from the fact that after paying me and purchasing a module, he seemed completely broke. Then I saw his ship. Like those from the legends of my race, it was a towering spire of crystal, gleaming and magnificent. I turned to him and asked how he had obtained such a thing, but he only grinned and claimed that it was a federation secret.

On board, I met the rest of the Crew, another stinking human by the name of Adrian Reese, a mantis called Aisha, and two of the progenitors, Crystal Figures covered in ever shifting and regenerating plates of crystal. It was mesmerising. One of the progenitors yelled at me not to stare, and called me a primitive being. The other introduced himself as Eckmanis. From just the look of the crew I could feel the tension. This would be fun. And maybe If things go badly enough for the crew I’ll be one crystal ship richer, the other Rocks would worship me…
Last edited by phantam23 on Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:08 am, edited 2 times in total.