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One-man Comedy Show

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:13 pm
by Christiansen
Heya there, spess dwellers!

So, my story (starting out) for you goes as follows...

After doing the last check on the engines, and making sure that everything worked as it was supposed to, we set off to complete our linchpin mission for the Federation.

The crew consisted of me, Jarvis the captain, and Jenna the Chief Engineer and of course our very own Roger Smith, the Chief Gunnery Officer. We all worked well together, but we hadn't even seen or heard of each other 3 weeks ago, when we where called in for this mission...

In the 3rd sector we jump to, we engage a Pirate... a Rock Pirate armed to the teeth...

By this time, we'd already gotten another crewman aboard, Hammerfist, a Rock Shield Officer. He seemed proficient and loyal, and was thus invited to the crew.

However, this Rock Pirate just wasn't going down as we wanted it to... and out of nowhere, 2 boarding personnel beam aboard, along with a boarding drone... who took the scenic route through the hull.
I managed to get everyone down there to fight them, including myself, but it was just too late... they'd already damaged the 02 scrubbers and destroyed the engines, and they where just too big of a match for my crew... I watched all three of them die... for the Federation.

I hardly got away from there, and when I got back to the bridge, I vented the entire god damn ship to get rid of those rodents! I succeeded, but with all of my crew dead...
