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Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:13 pm
by Lamina


Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:30 pm
by JakeCollins
This RP is totally open for new characters! Submit yours soon!

Feel free to play as "Mitch Dolan!" (See post directly above) :D :o


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:53 am
by stylesrj
I feel like I should join but considering what happened last time with me not putting a lot of heart and effort into my interactions, I'm uncertain I'll be able to do the same thing here...

In any case:

Name: Luxanna Jensen
Species: Human
Age: 15
Topic of Study: Medicine
Physical Description: Typical blonde cheerleader type.
Personality Description: Luxanna is a very excitable person and eager to get involved in new situations.
Quirks: Because of her passionate attitude, Luxanna tends to be rather reckless when it comes to her work. This does however mean she isn't fazed by horrifying things such as blood or seeing a starship full of dead bodies. This also makes her rather socially awkward as people tend to not want to talk to the overexcited cheerleader. Especially when she starts talking about the aforementioned topics.
Backstory: Luxanna Jensen, or just Lux for short was the daughter of the respected Captain Douglas Jensen and his wife Kassandra. Lux wanted to become a doctor like her mother and joined the Academy as soon as possible. However, shortly after the Federation/Rebellion conflict started, Lux received word that her mother had been killed in a surprise attack and Douglas was assigned far away from the home system. The Human mind is a complicated thing; her way of handling the loss and grief was to put a smile on her face and to keep it up in spite of everything going on around her. Nothing would ever bring her down ever again in her mind if she just kept positive.

On the day before she and her dorm-mates would be plotting to steal a ship, the young girl received a package from "An old family friend"
Inside happened to be a blade from a Mantis' claw and an old blaster pistol that was considered even an antique during the Federation/Mantis Conflict. Engraved on the side were the initials "J.J" - her grandfather's old gun.


So yeah I might stay on, I might not but in any case there's my character sheet. Lemme know what you think... too much backstory?
Eh maybe everyone knows that Lux is only hiding her grief. Word spreads fast around the Cadets after all...


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:28 pm
by Lamina


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:07 pm
by TheLonelyAI
Don't know if I'm allowed to participate seeing as I've just recently joined, but wanted to try anyways
Name: WOL (Like "AWOL)

Species: Engi

Age: 16

Topic Of Study: Engineering, but can do an adequate job at Manning other stations if needed

Physical Description: Similar to other Engi, but slightly more slender, and has a red monitor instead of the usual green

Personality Description: WOL is generally cautious, he is willing to trust others, but a part of him is always doubtful, in case they turn out to be a threat. Once his trust is earned however, he will become one of your most loyal friends and allies. WOL is also preservative of himself and his friends, this doesn't mean he isn't willing to help others, but he will prioritize those closest to him

Quirks: WOL can feel emotions much more strongly than his fellow Engi, which can sometimes contradict his pragmatic nature

Backstory: WOL originated from an Engi homeworld, and was born on a research vessel. He'd been raised there for 10 Years, until the rebel fleet appeared in the homeworld. The Rebels razed the entire sector, causing unecessary amounts of damage and casualties.

The rebel fleet eventually happened upon the research vessel, intending to raid it's data stores, and harvest it for scrap. While not intended for combat, it contained ion weapons which could disable systems, and stall for time until they could escape, and a variety of drones for defense and practical use. They were hunted down by a small detachment of rebel fighters, all while trying to reach the sector warp.

They reached the warp eventually, but had exhausted all their resources. They were quickly overwhelmed by enemy fire, and knew that they could not buy enough time for the FTL drive to charge, the only solution was to use their only escape pod. They chose their youngest candidate, a promising young Engi, and uploaded their most valuable data to impart to him.

WOL was being dragged off by one of the researchers, before he could question what was going on, he was thrust into the escape pod, and given a data chip. The researcher told him to give it to the federation, and that they would know what to do with it. His last words to WOL, were that he was the next generation, and that he would decide how the future turned out.

The escape pod shot out, it's destination a Civilian Sector. WOL's last sight before warping was the research vessel being rended by enemy fire and exploding into a hail of scrap metal.

The Escape Pod warped into the Civilian Sector, and landed on a federation Outpost. After being interrogated by federation officers, WOL explained the situation and handed them the data chip. He was thanked for his bravery and integrity and was given a choice, he could be dropped off at the nearest space station, and given refuge, or he could be enrolled into the federation training program.

WOL had witnessed firsthand the rain of death and destruction the rebels had bought to the only home he had ever known, part of him wanted to be dropped off, to never experience the pain and terror that he felt on the research vessel ever again. The other part of him however, wanted to stop the rebels, stop them from wrecking destruction throughout the Galaxy, and to prevent another from feeling the pain he felt.

WOL had graciously accepted their offer of enrolling into the training program. Partly because he wished the rebels reign of destruction stopped, and another stemming from a completely new desire, one he had never even thought of before on his time in the research vessel, a desire to see the Galaxy and the wonders that it offered.


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:46 pm
by Chickengames
I'll give it a shot:
Name: Kyrie Alfarow

Species: Human


Topic of study: Sheilds and defense

Physical description: Curly brown hair, short

Personality description: Quiet at first, but will open up when you get to know her. Usually chill and hard to anger.

Quirks: Gets a thrill from dangerous situations and close calls, very proud of her family's history

Backstory: Kyrie comes from a long line of respectable federation officers. The family's history with the federation goes back all the way to its founding: her ancestor, the great Admiral William Alfarow. Since him, every Alfarow has joined the federation's fleet, and every one had a perfect record.... until now.

She grew up in the family's large house on a moon orbiting a city planet. From childhood she was taught the federation's values and her family's history above all else. Kyrie was enrolled in the federation cadet program and was on her way to becoming a specialist in shields, but then the war broke out.


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:57 pm
by Lamina


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:53 pm
by Chickengames
Lamina wrote:
Chickengames wrote:Topic of study: Piloting (or does the captain do this?)

This is the captain's role. But Eyesight will probably offer a good compromise. :D

I can change it if needed


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:33 pm
by Lamina


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:24 am
by BrenTenkage
1. Name, Bren
2. Species: Zoltan
3. Age: 15
4. Topic Of Study: Weaponry and mechanics (at least with weapon systems, don't ask him to fix the oxygen he will just use duct tape)
5. Physical Description: A standard Green looking male form
6. Personality Description: A friendly guy, except to pirates, he was a former slave captured by them and was rescued by the Federation, so whenever he sees a pirate ship he refuses to let it out of his sight. He will cruelly set fire to their systems, prefering their oxygen, to him a slow painful death is too good for em. Outside of this he is a pretty much a guy who likes to keep to himself in the weapon bay, doing his job and only interacting wit hthe others when needed
7. Quirks: Will always go for a cruel kill on a pirate or slaver ship
8. Backstory: A former slave to pirates he grew up hating them, hating how they would use him to power up their weapons in combat.
He was rescued by the federation and signed up for their military program, he doesn't really care about the war, he wants to hunt down pirates, eliminating this scum from the universe.

He honestly doesn't like to get into his back story, he has a lot of scars, physical and metal, he just wants to do some good with the universe and hope no one else has to suffer like he did.