Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:24 am

BananaDealer wrote:Obviously, you are no fan to puppies...
But I like where this is going... The narrative style is a bit off in my head, but generally OK for a fanfic...

As I said, I haven't written properly In a whole years, learning programming does that to you.
Also, it's the tenses, I keep switching between them for some reason and jumping around, no idea why, I'll try to fix it, but no promises.
Last edited by phantam23 on Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby TheAzryte » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:39 am

So what if the grammar puppies are extinct? We get a good story! Wish I had the crystal crusier.
Personal fleet: Kestrel A & B, Engi A&B, Stealth A, Mantis A&B, Federation A&B, Slug A, Rock A, Zoltan A&B and Unidentified A.

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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:56 am

“All crew to stations!”
The human’s voice reverberated through the hull as we prepared for jump. A moment later, the ship shook violently, doors clanging in their places and there was a sudden forward boost, as if a great wind had pushed from the front of the ship. I fell, talons splayed across the hard metal floor. One of the crystal-things, Eckmanis, quickly bent down and grabbed my claw, pulling me to my feet. From the small sensors in the engine room, we could see that the ship had stopped and was hailing another ship. A moment later, the ship shook again, and I fell once more. This human captain’s voice sounded.
“Sorry for the sudden jump, we’ve got a small job to do, we have to take down a rebel ship attacking a small trading post.”
Eckmanis looked at me with a blank stony look.
“The Captain is straying from the desired path to perform favours. At this rate, we will be caught by the rebel fleet.”
I gave him a blank look, mandibles slack and open.
“What fleet?”
He slid out a data tablet, on which there was a picture of a massive fleet, painted orange and blue, at the middle of which there was a massive ship, with multiple triple weapons systems, and something else.
“Why would they chase a single cruiser?”
I inquired, but Eckmanis simply replied.
“We know their secret, they want our heads, it’s simple.”
Before I could inquire further, the human captain opened comms with me.
“Aisha, Eckmanis, go to the teleport bay, Butters, man the engines.”
I leapt up and scurried towards the bay, Eckmanis ponderously following behind.
“Aisha, I want you to rip up their weapons systems and anyone who follows in, understood? Eckmanis will follow you and help.”
I nodded, and waited in the teleport bay for Eckmanis.
“Enemy Sighted, prepare for teleport.”
There was a squelching, as my limbs disintegrated, then my body. I closed my eyes, and then I could no longer feel them. A half second later everything returned and I was standing in a weapons bay. The door opened, and a human walked in. He stopped, dropping the data slate he was carrying and whipped out his blaster, I leapt towards him, talon slashing across his uniformed chest, as blood splurted across. A blaster shot pierced my gut. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eckmanis wave his hand, crystal forming across the entire room. Two on one it would be then. He fired a burst of crystal from his palm at the man, even as I slashed at him. The human ducked, rolling beneath my feet, his blaster forgotten as he withdrew a plasma cutter and charged at Eckmanis. I lobbed a ball of acid at him, as Eckmanis fashioned a blade of crystal from his arm, Piercing the man’s shoulder. The plasma cutter fell to the ground, along with his arm, and the next strike took his head.

Robert Supulche:
“Hold fire, don’t shoot until we’re sure they are back in.”
Our shields fizzled on and off from the constant laser barrage, my comms buzzed to life, as Reese yelled out.
“Missile Incoming, Brace for Impact.”
The missile impacted with the hull, crystal cracked, as the explosion smashed open our oxygen generator.
“Enzonda get to the O two room.”
I got up, sprinting over to the room, repair tool in hand, when I reached there, the crystal man was already at work, crystal reforming over the cracks in the roof, as I set to work fixing the console.

The crystal wall evaporated, as two more men entered. I turned to Eckmanis, and noticed he was cracked and wounded, a clear liquid leaked from the cracks.
“Run for it, seal one in with us.”
I yelled, sprinting out of the room.
“I don’t have enough power!”
“Run anyway, you’re wounded and I can’t take on two human’s at once.”

Adrian Reese:
A laser shot smashed into the weapons systems, taking out the sweet sweet burst lasers. I reached for the console, quickly reconfiguring and managing the nanobots to bring the weapons back online. I reached forward, rep-tool pointing at the wires under the console, when a missile crashed into the weapons room, detonating, I raised my arm to shield my face, and the explosion charred my arm slightly. Wincing in pain, I reached down and grabbed my rep-tool with my left hand and resumed work.

We ran down the corridors, in circles, over and over. I could hear the missiles firing and the panicked comm chatter from our ship. I turned, and as the two humans entered the door, I leapt at one. My mandibles clicked into place around his soft sweet flesh, as I ripped out his throat in one bite, Talons scything through his chest. Then the wave of pain hit me. From the corner of my eye I saw Eckmanis stumble back, as blast after blast impacted into his chest. I could see my intestines spilling out of my slashed open abdomen, the dead rebel’s plasma cutter embedded into my thorax. My vision blurred. I opened comms and whispered.
“Boarding failed, get us out.”
There was a squelch…

“Aisha, Eck, get to the Medbay immediately, Adrian, halt repairs and fire the heavy crystal gun.”
The massive crystal shard pumped out, and landed, destroying their weapons systems as it punched straight through their hull. A moment later, a missile smashed into the shield control, setting it alight.
“Enzonda, put out that fire, Butters, move to assist, Eckmanis, resume shield duties.”
I issued a string of orders, my heart racing as I spun the ship around to face the enemy. Butters patched through the comms.
“Fire is out, but the progenitor is charred.”
“Enzonda, get to the medbay. And when your healed, follow Aisha to the teleport pad. Robert, fire the Heavy Crystal at their weapons systems.”
The shot fired, and the ship stopped.
“Aisha, get over there.”

Half an hour later, Aisha and Enzonda returned.
“All their crew are dead, we salvaged some fuel and drone bits, and lots of scraps.”
Comms opened, as the trade outpost responded, thanking us and offering us their goods. A few repairs and a drone system to install the Defense drone we had salvaged from the ship earlier, and we were ready to jump.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:58 am

I checked the jump chart and cross-referenced with the data from the long ranged scanner, There are ships at all the beacons, one is emitting a distress call, another in in a nebula and the last is right next to the sun. I’ve heard too many stories about solar flares and from the charred wounded Enzonda in the med bay I have deduced that other than Butters my crew and ship are not fireproof. Also, I hate nebulas, Distress beacon it is.
“All crew to stations, prepare for jump.”
The stars blurred.
A civilian ship drifted aimlessly, hailing on all frequencies. I opened comms with it, and a robotic voice began to speak.
“Error@ FasterThanLightDrive(PathPlanning).NonFuctional;
public static void main(String[] args){
if(Assistance == true){
I nodded, the engi’s FTL navigation had failed and they wanted to lock on to our jump signature and follow.
“Sure, we will help you.”
“(GratefulForAssistance == True);”
I locked the co-ordinates into the FTL navigation, and began the jump to the beacon. The stars blurred.

As we finished the jump, the Engi ship hailed us once more.
I thankfully accepted the beam and had it sent over to Adrian. We were barely out of the first sector but we were already fully kitted out. Muting his ramblings about the pretty pretty beams on comms. I smiled. All we had to do was jump across the bloody nebula and we’d be out of sector 1. Except… we had tons of intresting gifts, but our reactor was not nearly powerful enough to handle it. We would have to carefully manage our systems, we couldn’t afford to put power into everything. I checked the Long Ranged Scanner data for information on the nebula, and perfect, Ion storm. I sighed, and powered up the FTL drive.
“All crew to stations, It’s jump time.”
And the stars blurred, white turned to pink, sensors darkened and lights dimmed. Weapons powered down. Lightning cackled across the screen, and plasma fires arced around us.
“I hate nebulas.”
I opened the comms with my crew.
“Alright men, power down the weapons and power up shields. Move all teleport pad power to engines, I want to get out of here as soon as possible.”
I notice the carcasses of ships that were lost in the ion storm, floating around.
“Butters, get a rebreather and head into the teleport bay, I want it powered up. See what you can find in that ship.”

A feeling of numbness ran through me, as my body turned to dust. I closed my eyes, and as I opened it, I was standing in a broken shattered ship. I grabbed the edge of the airlock, and ripped it open, thin metal crumbling to like paper in my hands. I took a step in, and was surprised to find that the oxygen was still functioning. Taking a step to the nearest console, I wiped a thick layer of blood and grime off it, crushing the skull of the previous user of the console beneath my feet. Powering it up, I checked the stats. Burst Laser, destroyed. Ion blast, destroyed. Hermes Missile System, online. I powered the missile system down, and opened comms.
“Lots of scraps here boss, but we’ve got a nice missile launcher. Shall I grab it.”
“Yes, take it and as much scrap as you can back to the ship.”

I was overjoyed, Christmas had come early, first the burst laser mark 3, then the glaive beam, now a Hermes Missile system, all these on top of the already capable crystal weapons? Perfect. It was a shame the weapons control didn’t have enough power to keep them all up at once, even if I had the scraps to upgrade it.

I hate nebulas so much. Electricity crackled along the edges of the console, giving me a light jolt whenever I touched it. I powered up the FTL drive, and made the usual crew announcement, then we jumped, No stars to blur, just pink and purple clouds. The jump stated complete, but I saw no difference. Then the shadows moved. A Rebel AI drone came out of the smoke and clouds, weapons hot.
“All Crew To Battle Stations, power up the weapons.”
The crew moved frantically to position, and Reese yelled over comms.
“No power, can’t fire, Ion storm drained everything!”
I swore, flicking through the console, powering down the teleport pads, medbay and one of the shields.
“Reese, weapons status.”
“Glaive Beam charging up.”
A laser took out our shields, as a missile flew past the ship.
“Hurry up Reese!!”
“I’m on it!”
Lightning lit up the scene, as the AI auto-scout hovered towards us, it’s weapons powered up. As soon as our shields went up, another laser strike put them down, another missile straying off it’s mark past us.
“Anytime now Reese.”
“Fire, straight across their weapons systems and down into their engine rooms”
The beam burst through, scything across the Auto-scouts hull, slicing it clean in two. The two parts drifted apart for a moment, then exploded.
“Salvage what you can and prepare for jump to the exit.”
The jump completed with no change in scenery bar the FTL exit beacon. I checked the exit beacon. Both areas I could get to were non-federation, one was Engi controlled, the other Mantis controlled.

(Which shall I go to, Engi controlled or Mantis controlled.)
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby apostateCourier » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:36 am

phantam23 wrote:Butters Log:
Today, I was finally hired by a human named Robert Sepulche. He was federation, off to deliver essential data to the home base. Normally I’d prefer to be hired by the Rebels than the fucking Federation, but he paid me well.

Minor nitpick, but isn't the Rebellion similar to the NTF from Freespace 2, in that they're incredibly humanicentric? Ala the KKK, but replace "people with dark skin" with "aliens."
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby BananaDealer » Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:00 am

If Butter's a Rock, you should know- he most likely doesn't like the Rebels much... The Rebels fight to establish a human dominance in space, whereas the Federation would keep the status quo of equality...
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:09 am

Thanks for the lore tip, changed to pirates instead. Sorry for screwing shit up. Please continue to criticize, it makes people better at stuff. Just that I kept seeing rocks and mantises in some ships which I thought were rebels.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:26 pm

Quick question, is there a thread/wiki full of lore/fluff, so I can plan personalities other than by looks and the honestly quite simple descriptions of species?
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby Fasterthanyou » Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:05 am

I like it and also where did the Robert come from, were you trying to complement me or something?
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby kramari » Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:55 am

I may or may have not signed up just to say that this is really interesting. Keep it up. :)