Battleship Bismarck

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Battleship Bismarck

Postby Peo01 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:27 am

Greetings everyone.

This is my first story, and obviously I'm going to mess up.
English isn't my native tongue, and I mostly learned it through school, books and videogames.
I'll try my best to keep the mistake count low. 8-)
This first "episode" was written while playing the game, which made me realise it's more writing and less playing.
(Yeah, captain obvious stikes again.)
Anyway, I'll just take notes from each system from now on and put it together as a story later on.
Which gives me the possibility to play whenever I feel like it, not having to write down everything as it happens.
So until I feel like writing again, this beginning story will be all for now.
Feel free to criticize the story/writing style/spelling mistakes.

Anyways, here we go!
The story of the EAS Bismarck, a Kestrel-class starship, on it's journey to the federation headquarter.
Crew list (Will change as crewman get killed or are hired):

Peo (A nickname for Phillip Den his crew came up with), a 23 year old officer that quickly ranked up through outstanding battle results.
He was appointed captain of the Bismarck before the war against the rebels started.
He's a good pilot, but an even greater weapons officer.
His great knowledge of different kinds of weapons and how to perfectly use them was trained in hard battles.
Even though he's young he had a fair share of war and is often called "old man" by old friends of his.

Lt. Cmdr. Alicia Melchiott, 19 years old born on New Gallia, entered duty two years ago when her family was killed by pirates in the New Gallia colony, ever since then she hated pirates and would end up in a fury that only her best friend could stop.
After joining the fleet she quickly became a reknown pilot.
Friends with Laura ever since Kindergarten, and sees Peo as both her commanding officer and good friend.

Lt. Laura Bodewig, 18 years old, born in the Neu Kiel colony in sector 10, raised in New Gallia.
Witnessing the pirate raid on New Gallia first handed made her join the fleet in order to protect all those that can't protect themselves.
Her strong feelings of rather protect someone then hurt them, made her study all kind of shield systems in order to perfect her skills as a shield operator.
Her childhood friend Alicia is very dear to her, but recently she grew interested in both her captain and the chief engineer of the Athena shipyards, Chief Radenkow.

The cast is set, the ship is ready...
Let the story begin.

From: Fleet Admiral J. Handerson, EAS Missouri
To: Cpt. Phillip Den, EAS Bismarck


Captain Den,
you and your crew have been chosen to deliver vital data to the federation headquarters at sector eight.
This data could very well change the course this war has taken and bring the downfall to the rebel uprising.
It is very important that the headquarter gets hold of this data.
You're ordered to do everything necessary to make sure this data get's into the right hands.
EAS Bismarck will leave at 1130 17.09.2243.

All luck and be safe on your journey,

Admiral J. Handerson

on board the EAS Bismarck.

Peo: "Alright you two let's get the show on the road.
Alicie get to helm and bring the FTL drive online."
Alicia: "Aye, sir. On my way."
Peo: "Laura make sure those shields are holding, report if anything happens, I'm
with the weapons."
Laura: "Got it covered, captain."

Peo: "Captain to all sections, report."
Alicia: "Helm, all clear."
Laura: "Shields up and holding."
Peo: "Good now for the final touch... we're now embarking on our great journey.
All of the federation is hoping for our success, the rebels have pushed our forces back further and further,
but this is where we'll make our final stand.
With the data inside our computer core, the federation can turn the tide.
Now all that's left is for us to do our job and deliver it safely.
We've been through alot of missions together, and proven to be the best of the best.
Now let's get going one more time, into battle.
Alicia, get the FTL going, coordinates 1-1-2."
Alicia: "FTL, ready, no fluctuations detected."
Peo: "Engage!"

With this the Bismarck leaves for system 1-1-2.
Arriving shortly after she engaged her FTL drive the sensors detect a small
re-fueling outpost under attack by an automated Rebel scout.

Alicia: "Captain!"
Peo: "I see it, weapons hot, set a course to intercept."
Alicia: "En-route."
Laura: "Shields up and ready, Sir."
Peo: "Prepare for combat... here it comes!
Targeting their weapons array, preparing Lasers and missiles."
Alicia: "Incoming enemy fire! Starting evasive maneuvers, pattern Alpha. Darn!"
Several emergency indicators start bleeping as the shields collapse.
Laura: "Shields down, recharging... redirecting power from reserves now."
Peo: "Laser firing, time on target 4 seconds."
Alicia: "Incoming beam, I can't dodge it!"
<The beam hits the aft starboard side for only a split second>
Laura: "Shields up again, holding."
Peo: "Enemy weapons array damaged, firing missile.
Laura keep those shields up, Alicia redirect energy from the medical bay
to the engines."
Laura&Alicia: "Aye, Sir."
Peo: "Weapons array is down, aiming for their engines... lasers firing!"
<Already badly damaged the scout get's hit three more times, structural integrity low and it's engine core overloading it vanishes inside an explosion.>
Peo: "That's it... Laura, damage report."
Laura: "Minor damage to hull, all systems up and running."
Alicia: "Sir, the outpost is hailing us."
Peo: "Put them through."
Outpost: "This is Cmdr. Will Sterling from Ortega outpost, thanks for the help. We've been harassed
non-stop by those scouts. Take this on the house."
<The outpost transfers several supplies>
Peo: "It was a pleasure Ortega outpost, stay well. Bismarck out."

Later on while waiting for the FTL drive to be fully loaded the crew meets up in the cantina.
Peo: "Nothing beats a fresh soup after a hard fought battle."
Laura: "I'll stick with the potatoes and bratwurst."
Peo: "Bratwurst... sausages right? They sure look delicous."
<Peo looks on Alicia's plate>
Alicia: "What's the matter captain? Do you want to have a taste?"
Peo: "No thanks Alicia... I'm already filled."
Alicia: "Oh too bad. It's really delicious."
Laura: "Anyway, how about using the fresh supplies to upgrade out generator?
Chief Radenkow showed me some tricks and I might be able to get more energy from it."
Peo: "Sounds like a plan, and we'll need more energy anyway.
Just make sure you're finished before we jump."
Laura: "No problem, Alicia will you help me after you finished... eating?"
Alicia: "Of course, and then you'll tell me all about Radenkow..."
<Both look at Peo>
Peo: "Yeah I get it... I'm at the battle bridge if you need me."
<Peo leaves the cantina after returning his plate>
Alicia: "So about Radenkow..."

Captain's log:
Bismarck engaged one enemy ship at 1-1-2.
Supplies from outpost, upgraded generator.
FTL drive firing up in five minutes, going to 1-2-1.