-The Rebel Fleet-

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Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:08 am

-The Rebel Fleet-

Postby Shiny » Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:23 am

A lone, small spaceship floated quietly in empty space, loosely orbiting a large, brilliant blue gas giant. The view was brilliant, and the world seemed at a standstill. However, the peace would not last.
A red, pulsing dot began to flash on the ship's main screen. Then two dots. Then three. Then ten. A few kilometers away from the federation scout, a slight shimmer - almost like a raindrop on a perfectly clear pond surface - appeared. The shimmer turned into a large wave, as if time itself was oscillating back and forth violently. And out of the middle of the wave came the first ship. A small, orange ship, only slightly larger then the federation ship, came into existence near the gas giant. The rest of the rebel fleet jumped into the system. Scouts, Bombers, Fighters, Frigates, and Cruisers, of all shapes and sizes, began to appear near the planet, in viewing distance of the small, lone federation scout. One last ship finished it's FTL jump into the system. The flagship was massive. The sheer size of the ship made it seem invincible, and the amount of weapons it was armed with rivaled the total amount of the entire fleet.
The lone federation scout nearly finished powering up it's FTL drives, but it was too late. A large, red laser beam from one of the rebel cruisers cut the scout neatly in half, and the overloaded FTL drives exploded into a brilliant orange that quickly disperser in the oxygen-less environment. The space surrounding the blue gas giant was once again peaceful. The rebel fleet powered up their FTL drives and began to jump to the next system. However, before the flagship could finish it's FTL drive charge, the many screens in the bridge of the ship began to light up with alarms.
There was a small shimmer of light, very close to the left side of the flagship's hull. Almost undetectable by the human eye, a deep, dark blue stealth cruiser uncloaked. The cruiser was well armed and heavily shielded. It's FTL drives were almost fully charged. Seconds before the cruiser managed to jump into space, the flagship shot it's main laser straight through the shields of the stealth cruiser, cutting through the hull. However, the shot missed the ship's engines, allowing the stealth cruiser to complete it's jump to a safer beacon. The flagship's captain, thinking the stealth cruiser was to heavily damaged to continue any farther, decided to give the ship no further thought, and jumped with the rest of the rebel fleet into a different beacon.
Only silent, harmless ship derbis floated around the blue gas giant.

-To be continued-

Thoughts and criticism much appreciated!

Edit: Why do paragraphs not work?