Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:50 am

Fasterthanyou wrote:I like it and also where did the Robert come from, were you trying to complement me or something?

What do you mean where did he come from?
Also I have no idea which sector to jump to right now guys, Mantis or Engi?
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby kramari » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:36 pm

Engi, you can get nice things, although seems like you already have nice things.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:12 pm

The sensors were beeping urgently, klaxons sounding within the helm. The rebel fleet was one jump away from us. I engaged the FTL drive, and tossed aside the data tablet I had been checking. It clattered unceremoniously onto the floor, even as I opened the crew comms channels.
“All crew to stations, you know the drill.”
I opened the jump chart, and selected the Engie controlled sector, I was not too keen on being on the receiving end of a mantis boarding party.
“Jump in three, two, one.”
The nebula gave way to streaks of stars, purple backdrop turning midnight black, with the glitter of the distant suns lighting up the back. We were in Engi territory now.

(Will continue tomorrow, sorry for the short post.)
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby Wintrow » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:14 pm

I've registered just to say you're a great writer and I'm excited to see if the Bravesoul will make it far. Are you playing on Normal difficulty? From the story it would seem so.

Also, your spelling is going to be a running joke in this thread now. :mrgreen:
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:32 am

No, the puppies are the running joke.
Also, normal but I modified the starting scrap amount slightly. The burst lasers and glaive beam rewards were sheer dumb luck.
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby phantam23 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:02 am

“Prepare for jump, you know the drill.”
The stars blurred, and the jump completed once again. Immediately, the comms spluttered to life, and a insectoid voice cackled over the speakers.
“Alright, next ship is yours Jahrik, there’s one right by the beacon.”
Butters whispered over the in-ship comm system.
“Damn, Mantis pirates.”
“Power up the glaive beam and the crystal heavy gun. Get ready for a fight.”
A mantis ship moved towards us, lasers fizzling against our shields.

The glaive beam hummed beautifully as it charged up, lights slowly lighting up along the edge of its gleaming barrel. The heavy crystal gun whirred to life, and I half heard the command to fire it at the enemy shield generator. I spun the control knob, aligning the crosshairs over the area which the sensors had told me to fire, flipping off the safety cache, and pulled the trigger. The heavy weapon spluttered for a moment, the recently formed crystal pushed forward by a massive kinetic burst. It soared through the blackness of space, a gleaming sliver of death spinning towards an unsuspecting victim. As it touched the Mantis’ shields, they split, bubbling where it touched for a moment, and the projectile continued its trajectory, unhampered by the shield. It impacted with the shield generator, embedding itself into the hull, scraps of hull and circuits drifting away from the impact site. I waited a moment, grinning to myself as single shots of lasers fizzled on our shields. Then there was a click, as the barrel of the Glaive Beam hummed to life, a reddish glow emanating from the bore of the gun. I stepped to my side, over to the Beam firing control, tapping the screen, I disabled the auto drag, and grasped the control stick in both hands. I took a deep breath, lining up the crosshairs on the ship, and dragged it across. The beam hummed, firing a massive line of red across the emptiness of space, lighting up all the debris from previous conflicts in glorious crimson. It arced across the Mantis ship’s hull, red metal of the hull melting in vivid orange and dripping over. The bream moved across, slicing clean through the ship and slicing it in twain. Such beauty.It was unmatched.

“Well crew, that was easy.”
The ship’s retrieval arms obtained anything of use from the debris, as the FTL drive hummed to life. I quickly selected a nearby beacon, and activated the jump. The stars blurred, and a planet came to view. Green plains and an azure Ocean. A wonderful sight.
“Take a nap guys, and enjoy the view while you can, we’ll be jumping in 12 hours.”

(Once again short post. Will start getting longer as quests happen and the action ramps up. RIght now, the lucky glaive beam means pirates don't stand a chance. Otherwise, I'll be playing borderlands 2 once it unlocks on the 21st so zzzz.)
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Re: Bravesoul, the crystal cruiser.

Postby DaemonEX » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:58 pm

This is pretty damn awesome. And inspirational! I'll be sure to write a log myself.