Postby Misery » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:32 am
Ignore this post, just now noticed the post right above mine (and the slug quest bit was what I was posting about).
The bit about the slug quest should be changed though, since the blue option does NOT appear with the very first set of choices.
EDIT: Oooookay. There's more than a few things wrong with this guide, now that I actually go to try and unlock some stuff. Some info is wrong, some is outright missing. Zoltan ship unlock: Point out the EXACT choices the player needs to make, not just "go peaceful!!!11", as there's MULTIPLE possible "peaceful" choices, and at least one of them is wrong and ends in a fight.
Hoboy, I normally dont do this, but I might just find a hack or something to unlock the ships, because holy crap is it REALLY ANNOYING to do the unlocking in this game. Love the game, but that aspect is beyond my patience level.