What is the worst RNG you have had trying to play FTL?

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What is the worst RNG you have had trying to play FTL?

Postby jaishnavpawala » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:11 am

I'm going to tell you, I have beaten the game with several ships on normal. Once I develop some mastery over a ship, I would say I am about 50/50 going to win on normal. I have done this for almost every ship I have played and focused on. I just picked up the slug type A because I really want to get good with it. I want to make it my main in a sense. I just faced the worse RNG I ever had two runs in a row, and I am wondering if I will be too disgusted with it start again. Both deaths were in sector 1. First run I had jumped to my third beacon, was taking a while getting to a store because I wanted to have the means to purchase something good if it was available. I came across a rebel ship, with a heavy laser, small beam, and attack drone. The attack drones first instinct was to not only take down my shields, but to somehow do a double shot that they sometimes do, getting in a shot before my shields are up, and they hit my shields while starting a fire. I pull both crew to fix it. Then it hits my oxygen, weapons and helm. I died there at the third beacon because there was no way to jump or get control of all that had gone wrong. Restarted a run, this time I ran into a scout first beacon and hit a drone, it did the exact same thing. Never have I ever had such bad RNG, it doesn't even make sense. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there an obvious way you should deal with this when it starts happening? Please tell me your stories if you have had really bad RNG that just made it to where it didn't matter how well you played, the fight was doomed before you started.