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[Code Library] Custom Palettes

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:58 am
by KnightMiner
This forum post describes a library I wrote to help add custom squad palettes. In addition, it adds a UI to rearrange palettes, since only the first 11 palettes show in the mech selector.



Usage for this mod can be found on my code library wiki.

Arrange Palettes UI

As long as this mod is called during initialization (which is when you should add palettes anyways), it will enable the palette switcher UI to allow reordering mod palettes. The first palette must always be Rift Walkers, but after that the next 10 can be selected. Note their availability in the hanger is related to which squads you unlocked, so if not all 8 squads are available some palettes may be missing.



This library works by overriding the vanilla GetColorCount and GetColorMap functions. This library will automatically support palettes added by other library mods, including FURL. If you want to migrate your palettes from FURL to this library, see this second on the library's wiki.