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Noob question: How to change existing Mechs' stats or skills

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:03 am
by Hujaman
I am new to modding and trying out some stuff with ITB.

I would like to change some existing values with my mod, so that I can rebalance the game in certain aspects. It appears that noone has created an all-around balance mod for the game yet.

But I run into issues when it comes to, let's say, for example, changing the damage value of the "Prime_Punchmech" skill of the Combat Mech of the Rift Walkers.

I know I can change the value in the /scripts/weapons_prime.lua file. But then that would mean altering the original files, which is all but ideal for a mod.

So my question is, what code would I need to run in my 'scripts' folder (of the mod!) in order to change that value?

Thank you!

Re: Noob question: How to change existing Mechs' stats or skills

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:22 pm
by Lemonymous
Assuming you're running kartoFlane's modloader to launch your mod, all the variables that are declared global in the lua files found in ITB/sctipts can be modified from within your mod. In the cases where you'd want to change something local, the mod loader can often provide solution for that as well.

Code: Select all

Prime_Punchmech.Damage = 3
Adding this code to your mod (init file or file run from your init) will change the damage from 2 to 3.

We have a discord server with a dedicated modding channel where people are happy to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to join. You'll probably get better and quicker answers there.