I like this game and i like to have it in my language as well.
So, challange started.
I currently started the work on the german translation here
https://github.com/brainfoolong/IntoThe ... anslations
German Alpha: https://github.com/brainfoolong/IntoThe ... ges/de.zip
French Alpha: https://github.com/brainfoolong/IntoThe ... ges/fr.zip
The tools are set-up and contributers can start right away by following the readme.
I am doing german currently on a daily basis.
There tons of lines to translate, so it may take a while. If you would like to help, goto github and create an issue in the tracker.
If you want translate into another language, create an issue in the tracker.
I can create a single .po file for your language that contains almost all translation keys from the game, 1500+ currently.
The tools provide 2 way setup for developers:
1. Convert game files (Lua scripts with language keys in it) into the required .po file.
2. Convert the edited .po file back into the game files and create a downloadable zip package out of it.
For translators the work is easy. Edit your language .po file and push the change requests to the original repository.
Periodically it will automatically generate the downloadable mods/packages. You can do that also yourself with the provided tools.
Translation Tool - Easy translate into multiple languages
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:10 pm
Translation Tool - Easy translate into multiple languages
Last edited by BrainFooLong on Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:25 pm
Re: Translation Tool - Easy translate into multiple languages
In any our script we can detect current Windows locale and switch language.
hire is ugly test code what return locale number from regedit
Language Code
hire is ugly test code what return locale number from regedit
Code: Select all
function shellExecute(cmd, Output)
if (Output == nil) then Output = true end
local file = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r'))
if (Output == true) then
local cOutput = file:read('*all')
return cOutput
function mysplit(inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = "%s"
local t={} ; i=1
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
t[i] = str
i = i + 1
return t
Command = shellExecute("reg query hklm\\system\\controlset001\\control\\nls\\language /v Installlanguage")
status = Command:gsub("\r",""):gsub("\n","")
LCode = string.sub(status, -4)
Language Code
Code: Select all
0436 = "af;Afrikaans"
041C = "sq;Albanian"
0001 = "ar;Arabic"
0401 = "ar-sa;Arabic (Saudi Arabia)"
0801 = "ar-iq;Arabic (Iraq)"
0C01 = "ar-eg;Arabic (Egypt)"
1001 = "ar-ly;Arabic (Libya)"
1401 = "ar-dz;Arabic (Algeria)"
1801 = "ar-ma;Arabic (Morocco)"
1C01 = "ar-tn;Arabic (Tunisia)"
2001 = "ar-om;Arabic (Oman)"
2401 = "ar-ye;Arabic (Yemen)"
2801 = "ar-sy;Arabic (Syria)"
2C01 = "ar-jo;Arabic (Jordan)"
3001 = "ar-lb;Arabic (Lebanon)"
3401 = "ar-kw;Arabic (Kuwait)"
3801 = "ar-ae;Arabic (you.A.E.)"
3C01 = "ar-bh;Arabic (Bahrain)"
4001 = "ar-qa;Arabic (Qatar)"
042D = "eu;Basque"
0402 = "bg;Bulgarian"
0423 = "be;Belarusian"
0403 = "ca;Catalan"
0004 = "zh;Chinese"
0404 = "zh-tw;Chinese (Taiwan)"
0804 = "zh-cn;Chinese (China)"
0C04 = "zh-hk;Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)"
1004 = "zh-sg;Chinese (Singapore)"
041A = "hr;Croatian"
0405 = "cs;Czech"
0406 = "the;Danish"
0413 = "nl;Dutch (Netherlands)"
0813 = "nl-be;Dutch (Belgium)"
0009 = "en;English"
0409 = "en-us;English (United States)"
0809 = "en-gb;English (United Kingdom)"
0C09 = "en-au;English (Australia)"
1009 = "en-ca;English (Canada)"
1409 = "en-nz;English (New Zealand)"
1809 = "en-ie;English (Ireland)"
1C09 = "en-za;English (South Africa)"
2009 = "en-jm;English (Jamaica)"
2809 = "en-bz;English (Belize)"
2C09 = "en-tt;English (Trinidad)"
0425 = "et;Estonian"
0438 = "fo;Faeroese"
0429 = "fa;Farsi"
040B = "fi;Finnish"
040C = "fr;French (France)"
080C = "fr-be;French (Belgium)"
0C0C = "fr-ca;French (Canada)"
100C = "fr-ch;French (Switzerland)"
140C = "fr-lu;French (Luxembourg)"
043C = "gd;Gaelic"
0407 = "de;German (Germany)"
0807 = "de-ch;German (Switzerland)"
0C07 = "de-at;German (Austria)"
1007 = "de-lu;German (Luxembourg)"
1407 = "de-li;German (Liechtenstein)"
0408 = "el;Greek"
040D = "he;Hebrew"
0439 = "hi;Hindi"
040E = "hu;Hungarian"
040F = "is;Icelandic"
0421 = "in;Indonesian"
0410 = "it;Italian (Italy)"
0810 = "it-ch;Italian (Switzerland)"
0411 = "ja;Japanese"
0412 = "ko;Korean"
0426 = "lv;Latvian"
0427 = "lt;Lithuanian"
042F = "mk;FYRO Macedonian"
043E = "ms;Malay (Malaysia)"
043A = "mt;Maltese" 0414 = "no;Norwegian (Bokmal)"
0814 = "no;Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
0415 = "pl;Polish"
0416 = "pt-br;Portuguese (Brazil)"
0816 = "pt;Portuguese (Portugal)"
0417 = "rm;Rhaeto-Romanic"
0418 = "ro;Romanian"
0818 = "ro-mo;Romanian (Moldova)"
0419 = "ru;Russian"
0819 = "ru-mo;Russian (Moldova)"
0C1A = "sr;Serbian (Cyrillic)"
081A = "sr;Serbian (Latin)"
041B = "sk;Slovak"
0424 = "sl;Slovenian"
042E = "sb;Sorbian"
040A = "es;Spanish (Traditional Sort)"
080A = "es-mx;Spanish (Mexico)"
0C0A = "es;Spanish (International Sort)"
100A = "es-gt;Spanish (Guatemala)"
140A = "es-cr;Spanish (Costa Rica)"
180A = "es-pa;Spanish (Panama)"
1C0A = "es-do;Spanish (Dominican Republic)"
200A = "es-ve;Spanish (Venezuela)"
240A = "es-co;Spanish (Colombia)"
280A = "es-pe;Spanish (Peru)"
2C0A = "es-ar;Spanish (Argentina)"
300A = "es-ec;Spanish (Ecuador)"
340A = "es-cl;Spanish (Chile)"
380A = "es-uy;Spanish (Uruguay)"
3C0A = "es-py;Spanish (Paraguay)"
400A = "es-bo;Spanish (Bolivia)"
440A = "es-sv;Spanish (El Salvador)"
480A = "es-hn;Spanish (Honduras)"
4C0A = "es-ni;Spanish (Nicaragua)"
500A = "es-pr;Spanish (Puerto Rico)"
0430 = "sx;Sutu"
041D = "sv;Swedish"
081D = "sv-fi;Swedish (Finland)"
041E = "th;Thai"
0431 = "ts;Tsonga"
0432 = "tn;Tswana"
041F = "tr;Turkish"
0422 = "uk;Ukrainian"
0420 = "your;Urdu"
042A = "vi;Vietnamese"
0434 = "xh;Xhosa"
043D = "ji;Yiddish"
0435 = "zu;Zulu"
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:10 pm
Re: Translation Tool - Easy translate into multiple languages
I am not exactly sure how this is related to this tool @leper911.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:52 am
Re: Translation Tool - Easy translate into multiple languages
The fact that you can create a single .po file for any language with almost all the translation keys from the game is really impressive. The two-way setup for developers is also very convenientbest free iq test