- This library attempts to make it an easy task to add achievements to any mod, and have them all be displayed neatly in the same window without conflict.
Example Mod - a working mod (using achievements v0.1.0) providing examples on how to use library.
How to add to your mod
- Place the extracted folder into your mod so it looks like this:
How to use
- Request library:
Code: Select all
local achvApi = require(self.scriptPath .."achievements/api")
Must be requested at least once at init, and can then be requested and used at any time later in other files.
Most likely to be used functions: (see achievements/api for more functions)
Code: Select all
adds an achievement for your mod.
chievo is a table with the following fields:
field | type | description
id | string | identifier within your mod.
name | string | display title.
tip | string | tooltip text. (see example mod)
img | string | path to image.
objective | table | optional field for multipart chievos. (see example mod)
achvApi:TriggerChievo(chievoId, objectives)
modifies an achievement's progress.
objectives = nil -> completed
objectives = true -> completed
objectives = false -> incomplete
objective is a table -> sets progress according to progress table.
field | type | description
objectives | boolean | true, false or nil
objectives | table | progress table