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[Squad] Intercept Group

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:18 am
by tosx
These industrial Mechs use targeted shockwaves to disrupt Vek formations.


Beam Mech
Focused Beam: Fire a controlled beam that decreases in damage the more tiles it hits. (Starts at 3 damage; deals X damage to 1 tile, down to 1 damage to X tiles.)
- 2 cores: Increases max damage by 1.
- 3 cores: Increases max damage by 1.

Cycle Mech
Shockwave Engine: Dash in a line, pushing 3 tiles on either side when you stop. (Pushes in direction of dash.)
- 1 core: Mech can phase through 1 additional obstacle when charging.
- 2 cores: Mech can phase through 1 additional obstacle when charging.

Bunker Mech
Concussion Artillery: Damage a tile and push 2 tiles on either side. (1 damage, pushes to the left and right.)
- 2 cores: Lights target tile on Fire.
- 2 cores: Increases damage by 1.

Download modpack version of all my mods - requires mod loader 2.8.2 or later to function, and ITB 1.2.86.
Mod Loader - originally made by Cyberboy2000 and continued by kartoFlane and the ItB modding community.