Discord's No-Pause Videos

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Discord's No-Pause Videos

Postby DiscordDraconequus » Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:28 am

So you've heard of No-Pause Challenges?

The idea is simple. You play FTL without pausing.

It's frantic. It's crazy. It's fun. I've done it a bunch of times, and I'll probably do it a bunch more.

Have some videos.


No-Pause Zoltan B: Beams are hard to aim without pausing. I sound a little bored at the start. It gets better, I promise.

No-Pause Stealth A: Beams are hard to aim II, the Beamening.

No-Pause Engi B: Also I only have 1 crew. This one was done as part of a livestream, and just features the Flagship battle. The quality is terrible and I spend most of it talking to invisible people watching the stream.

No-Pause Engi B II: Revenge of the No-Pause Engi B. Now with 83% more full-run, featuring some music from some other game in the background. The mic is a little loud and crackly at some points. Sorry.

No-Pause Mantis A: I forgot how to sound. Accidentally had my microphone off for the whole recording. Oops.

No-Pause Red-Tail: Don't actually watch this one. Seriously, this was one of my first, and it's terrible. I don't have any commentary, my mic is on the whole run and super loud, and I messed up the video editing and it skips around in places. Just pretend I didn't post this here and ignore it.


If you want to see any other No-Pause runs, let me know, and I will do them.