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Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:23 am
by Kieve
This is basically copy-pasta from my other mod thread, but I'm tossing it up here so everyone can see it. I've run into a little difficulty in my "Turn the Tide" mod, where the Destroyer encounters just won't load.
I'm not sure why - perhaps only one ship can be loaded at each node?
Here's an example from the "Challenge" list, which is supposed to call out a Destroyer for you to fight.

Code: Select all

      <text load="FLEET_CHALLENGE_LIST"/>
         <text>An intimidating Rebel Destroyer moves into position, its weapons going hot. Time to nut up or shut up...
         <ship load="REBEL_DESTROYER" hostile="true"/>


Code: Select all

<textList name="FLEET_CHALLENGE_LIST">

   <text>Boldly, you broadcast your message to the waiting fleet. "Is that the best you've got?"</text>
   <text>You switch the comm over to an open channel, and declare brazenly, "Is that the best you can do?"</text>
   <text>You've had enough running. "Bring it on, Rebel scum," you demand coldly.</text>
   <text>This fleet has hounded you from one end of space to the other. Time to make them pay for their mistake.</text>
   <text>"Is that all you've got, you Rebel bastards?" you transmit defiantly.</text>

Now what happens is, the text from the "CHALLENGE_LIST" will load just fine. And then... nothing happens. No destroyer appears, none of the follow-up text happens. The event just doesn't seem to trigger.
Is there any way to "un-load" a ship so a different one can replace it? I wonder if perhaps the LONG_FLEET fighter occupying the enemy slot is breaking the function, though I've tried it both ways - dead crew, derelict ship, and destroying it outright. Maybe the event pop-up isn't giving the "destroyed" fighter time to delete itself, but I don't know any way to time-delay an event either. Anyone have an idea? :?

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:19 am
by Kieve
Just ran into an 'interesting' situation where I decided to 'risk salvaging' with an Elite fighter.
It gave me the message about another fighter moving into position, and then immediately cycled back to the "LONG_FLEET_DESTROYED" series of events (which happen on destruction of the first Elite fighter).
Apparently the game is still reading the first ship there, in its death throes.

Still in need of some kind of "timer" event or a <ship unload> function to clear the first encounter, but I really have no idea if either is possible.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:16 am
by Justin
Perhaps I misunderstand where this is placed, but you can't just make an event inside another event.

Code: Select all

   <text load="FLEET_CHALLENGE_LIST"/>
   <choice hidden="true">
         <text>An intimidating Rebel Destroyer moves into position, its weapons going hot. Time to nut up or shut up...
         <ship load="REBEL_DESTROYER" hostile="true"/>

If you want 2 popups to happen in a row you need to have a <choice> even if it's a dummy one like this.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:24 am
by Kieve
Justin wrote:Perhaps I misunderstand where this is placed, but you can't just make an event inside another event.

Code: Select all

   <text load="FLEET_CHALLENGE_LIST"/>
   <choice hidden="true">
         <text>An intimidating Rebel Destroyer moves into position, its weapons going hot. Time to nut up or shut up...
         <ship load="REBEL_DESTROYER" hostile="true"/>

If you want 2 popups to happen in a row you need to have a <choice> even if it's a dummy one like this.

D'oh! I'll do some tweaking and give that a try. Thank you Justin!

EDIT: Okay, so the <choice> tag managed to weed out some odd bugs, but it still won't let me load in a new ship. I may have to scrap this idea and pull the "Destroyer" stuff out entirely.
Justin, is it even possible to load up a second ship in the same node? (after the first has been destroyed / defeated)
Is there any kind of <ship unload...> function that'll clear it for future encounters?

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:26 am
by Whale Cancer
I still believe that you are correct in thinking you can only have one ship loaded at a specific node, even if a ship is destroyed first. My attempts to use multiple ships at a node have similarly failed.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:32 pm
by Whale Cancer
PvtVain wrote:[...] I tried a few things that should've worked, but because of a few examples from other events in the game and the solutions I've tried. [...]

There are a lot of things that 'should work' that do not.

To wit:

Code: Select all

<crewMember amount="1" class="energy"/>

Adds a Zoltan crewmember. Pretty basic right?

Code: Select all

<crewMember amount="-1"/>

That removes a random crewmember.

Code: Select all

<crewMember amount="-1" class="energy"/>

That doesn't remove a zoltan crewmember; it removes a random crewmember. The class property is ignored when removing a crewmember.

There are any number of these things which should work, but do not.

I'm hoping this sort of thing gets fixed in a 'modder's update', but the devs have said this sort of thing is not a priority at the moment.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:48 pm
by Whale Cancer
Small thing I noticed:

If you load a ship as part of the start event and then, when you are playing the game, restart on the first node... you can't load a ship! Weird (and not relevant to T^3), but something people should be aware of.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:08 pm
by Kieve
That's a peculiar bug. Though I imagine once the rebel fleet advances over that node, it'll switch over to an Elite Fighter encounter anyway. That's a best guess, haven't tested it yet. Would be interesting if that completely disabled ship encounters on the node though.

Re: Requesting Assistance: T³ Issues

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:37 pm
by Whale Cancer
It is weird. Restart isn't... restartey enough.

I just noticed an attack drone persisted after a restart. Very strange.