Slipstream is a mod manager for FTL, making it easy to install multiple mods at the same time and, later, revert to vanilla gameplay.
It is the successor to Grognak's Mod Manager (GMM).
As of 1.0, Slipstream worked just like GMM did, but without the bugs that plagued its predecessor.
1.2 introduced new XML tags for modders to use (announcement).
1.8 introduced support for FTL 1.6.1 (announcement).

Important: Return FTL to an unmodded state before upgrading or replacing an existing mod manager.
And when the game itself gets an upgrade, delete the mod manager's backups so it'll know to make fresh ones.
Version 1.9.1 - [Windows] - [Mac/Linux]
Version 1.9 - [Windows] - [Mac/Linux]
Version 1.8 - YANKED
Version 1.7 - YANKED
Version 1.6 - [Windows] - [Mac/Linux]
Uncompiled source is available at GitHub.
I can accept PayPal donations here, if you feel inclined.
That would be fantastic.
Extract the mod manager anywhere.
On startup, it'll either find FTL automatically or ask you to locate it.
Mods come in .ftl files. To make one available to Slipstream, simply drag it into the mods/ folder.
To install mods, open Slipstream, select the mods you want, and hit Patch. Anything not selected is effectively uninstalled.
In order to uninstall all mods, patch with nothing selected.
- Link: Java (1.6 or higher).
- Link: FTL (1.01-1.6.3, Windows/OSX/Linux, Steam/GOG/Standalone).
. - WinXP SP1 can't run Java 1.7.
(1.7 was built with VisualStudio 2010, causing a DecodePointer error.)
To get 1.6, you may have to google "jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe".
On Windows, you may need to admin rights to modify FTL's files: double-click "modman_admin.exe"; or right-click the regular "modman.exe", and "Run as Administrator".
On Windows, "modman_debug.bat" will show you the logs and offer to fix interface glitches.
If you have other problems, check the readme's troubleshooting section.
If all else fails, try asking on this thread.
- Grognak: For the long voyage on a Ship of Theseus that was so fun to patch.
- bas: For his brilliant ftldat.
- kartoFlane: For lots of good feature requests.
For Mod Developers
See "readme_modders.txt".
For Software Developers
I've ported ftldat.py (lib for reading/editing FTL resources) to Java (and since modernized it for FTL 1.6.1):
Import net.vhati.ftldat.PkgPack from modman.jar.
Code: Select all
PkgPack pack = new PkgPack( new File( "ftl.dat" ), "r" );
String innerPath = "data/names.xml";
// Replace a resource.
if ( pack.contains( innerPath ) ) pack.remove( innerPath );
pack.add( innerPath, anInputStreamOfNewContent );
InputStream is = pack.getInputStream( innerPath ); // Read a resource.
List<String> innerPaths = pack.list(); // List all resources.
You may find some of the other classes interesting.
They might even be independently useful enough to make modman.jar a workable library for other projects without dissecting the source.

If you want to compile this project yourself, see "readme_developers.txt" on GitHub.