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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:33 am
by PiratedChaos
Terminator Event

Occurs in: Uncharted Nebula, Industrial Sector, Slug Home Nebula, Slug Controlled Nebula, Hazard Sector, any nebula in any sector.

Despite the cloudiness of the gases, you happen across a...unidentified cruiser? It looks nothing like you've ever seen before.

1. Board and investigate.

2. Fire a rogue shot.

3. Leave the thing alone.

4. (AI Crew) Communicate with the ship.

1a. The ship appears to be empty except for one piece of machinery. It looks deactivated, but not damaged.

1aa. Reactivate.

1ab. Get the hell out of there.

1ac. (Engi Crew) Have your Engi inspect the object.

1aaa. You reactivate the thing...and it's a robot! It takes one of your men by surprise and insantly decapitates him. It mumbles, "GET OUT". You follow its orders and leave before anyone else dies. (Lose crew)

1aab. You reactivate the thing...and it's a robot! Your man manages to disable it with plasma fire, but it speaks, "I'LL BE BACK", and starts heading towards you. Your crew runs toward the airlocks and prepares for battle! (Fight an AI ship and one skilled AI Boarder)

1aca. The Engi scans the thing and reveals it's a Terminator bot model 800. He says it is highly dangerous and best to get off before anything happens. (Nothing)

1acb. The Engi scans the thing, and it reactivates for no reason! The Engi somehow managed to destroy it, however, with a lucky blast of his rifle. "It must have been damaged", the engi mumbles. "We can scrap this android". (High Scrap)

1acc. The Engi scans the thing, and reveals it's a Terminator bot model 800. He reactivates it, and to your surprise is programmed with a good man. It shows you around its cruiser, and offers a well hidden piece of tech. You thank it and get out before it changes its mind.(Random weapon + low scrap

2a. You fire a laser bolt at the ship and its hull shudders. You continue to fire at it and eventually breaks apart. A team heads in to investigate the remains, and finds three items: A damaged weapon, a note, and a broken piece of unknown machinery. Your men have so much scrap already, they can only take one. They take...

2aa. The weapon.

2ab. The note.

2ac. The machinery.

2aaa. You take the broken weapon. You find a note written beside it saying the name of a store that could repair this gun. (Gain Augment "Broken Weapons", a Quest is added to your map)

2aba. You take the note. It reads: "This is SkyNet official document. We have released the new T-800 bot to local ships to counter the 'Galactic Federation'. We will rule this universe". A second note is written beside it. "This is it we are defeated..the last 800 model ship. We will deactivate it until someone happens across it. They will know the usefulness of the T-800. The metal on the back of the note can be used to repair it. COORDS: XXXX". You scrap the metal and take note of the coordinates written on the page. (Low scrap, a Quest is added to your map.

2aca. You take the broken machinery. Once back aboard you read a refined text on a sphere. "This is the t-800 computer port. It stores all the data needed. Can be used to condensation into something useful". Your craftiest man 'condenses' the chip, and it transforms into some drone parts/arnaments/fuel cells/scrap (drone parts, missiles, fuel, or medium scrap)

4a. Your AI Avatar attempts to hail the unknown cruiser. The ship responds back, saying, "F*CK YOU ASSH*LE".

4aa. Nobody treats me like that! Kill them bastards!

4ab. Negotiate.

4aaa. You fire at the ship, and the cruiser immediately responds by powering up their weapons! (Fight)

4aba. Your AI attempts to negotiate a trade, but the ship keeps on repeating the same words. You give up. (nothing)

4abb. Your AI attempts to negotiate a trade. The ship responds, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE TAKE THE SCRAP". (High scrap)


You arrive at the designated coordinates. A sturdy-looking fellow greets you with a warm smile. "Welcome to our humble shop. Is there anything you'd like to purchase?"

1. I have some broken weapon I need repairing.

1a. "Ahhh...I can fix that. Hold on a moment...THERE! I've just rebuilt that weaponry. I think you will really like it! That is 30 scrap for the repair, sir."

1aa. Pay. (-30 scrap)

1ab. Activate your weapons menacingly.

1aba. "Wh..what? There is no need for aggression..besides...aren't we friends?"

1abaa. Attack (Fight)

1abab. Pay.

1abb. "*Gulp* Uhm..of course sir...take a free weapon...thanks for..coming by.."


You happen to run into an abandoned base. As you board it, you find a small shrine that looks like a place to put the machinery. As you place it down, a bright light comes out of the shrine. "THANK YOU" a robotic voice says. "YOU HAVE RETURNED A RELIC FROM ANOTHER TIMELINE! YOU WILL BE GENEROUSLY REWARDED! HOW ABOUT...SOME UPGRADES TO YOUR SYSTEMS! (1 Engine, 1 Shield, 1 reactor, or 1 weapon upgrade)