Drone targeting mod

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Drone targeting mod

Postby BlueNickel » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:53 pm

Being a big fan of FTL I've decided to look into modding to make some of the improvements I felt might be needed. One of these is to improve the way the drones work as to enable you to set a specific target for the attack drones, as to remove the RNG factor from what system and rooms they target. I had a little look through the unpacked files and couldn't seem to track down anything correlating to the targeting system of other weapons and so couldn't decide how I'd set it up.

Basically what I'm interested in is where might in the files would I find files handling game mechanisms such as targeting?
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Re: Drone targeting mod

Postby stylesrj » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:09 pm

I think these days when it comes to FTL modding, if you don't see a mod for something, chances are that it's because it cannot be done.
If we could alter how a drone targets things or prioritises certain systems over others, there would have been hundreds of mods already made for it.
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Re: Drone targeting mod

Postby BlueNickel » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:20 pm

That's too bad. I did find it a little odd no-one had done it but I guess if it's not possible to alter those parts of the code it's not possible. Thanks for the reply and clearing up things a little :D