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[SHIP] The Cataphract (Slug Cruiser)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:29 pm
by chi-chi
I tried to emulate the vanilla slug look but I ended up with a smooth Krait Mk.2 from Elite dangerous :lol:

I also tried my hand at a custom weapon but I think the balancing is a bit wonky. It sorta sits somewhere between the Flak mk1 and mk2 but does double system and crew damage.
If you can get past the first couple of sectors the gun really takes off, but the long reload is a pain in early fights.

Ship desc: This stealth cruiser, designed to smuggle stolen or illegal cargo with its cloaking device, has just stolen an experimental weapon from a rebel-controlled lab!



Replaces slug A

There is a cloaking image but no gibs(yet) sorry
feedback is greatly appreciated :)