Download: Pretty shields 1.2

Full-resolution comparison screenshots: Pretty shields 1.1, pretty shields 1.0, and vanilla shields.
Version 1.2 improves mod compatibility. Version 1.1 makes the following improvements on 1.0:
- Replaces the washed-out hard outline with a soft glow
- Tweaks player and enemy shields positions / size, so the ship doesn't poke out
- Uses a higher-resolution enemy shield image, which looks great on the Flagship!
- Adjusts the enemy shield brightness and frame background, to match the player shield better without losing contrast
Some compromise was necessary with the enemy shield image. When you make it high-resolution, it also changes the central point where the first layer expands from. Even without mods, this is already an issue on some enemies -- such as the Flagship, which is way off-centre. The higher I push the resolution, the more noticeable this issue becomes. I compromised on a medium resolution, which improves the Flagship "centring", but does make some enemies worse.
Older versions
Version 1.0