[Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

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[Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby KingdomKrafters » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:38 pm

Finally, with some help from Arfy, I made some custom weapons. Of course I still lack the ability to make my own images that don't look like big white blocks... so all the new weapons use the sprite of some other weapon from the vanilla game. This is only temporary until I can fix this. The biggest part of the mod (in my opinion) are the two new weapon types, energy and focus. I added a bunch, so I can't talk about all of them... but what the heck. Why not? ALSO, this weapon pack is now officially part of Project Coalition! (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=32511)
all weapons can be found here. Will be updated as mod gets updated. (which it has)

Code: Select all

new beam weapons:
New useless artilery weapon. Its the artillery beam, but sets fire to stuff instead of damaging it. Can only be found in game files as of now.

Scavenger beam. Does only no hull damage but causes hull breaches everywhere.

Neural beam. Stuns enemy crew and does some bio damage.

Weak beam. only found in game files as of now. Really cheap and weak beam.

scythe beam. for testing purposes.... very op and not found in game

particle beam. It does massive system damage but no hull or bio damage. has a high fire chance.

new bomb weapons:
anti-bio bomb. pretty much self explanatory. does no system damage.

anti-bio bomb mark II. Does more crew damage.

hull bomb. Does 1 hull damage. But since bombs shouldn't be able to do hull damage, this thing costs 195 scrap and is super rare.

healing burst mark II. heals more than mark I

ion bomb mark II. does more ion damage. (I changed the mark I so that it only does 3 ion damage instead of 4)

bomb hull repair. repairs hull. sounds pretty op but its not.

decimator. super rare. instantly kills any crew member with 100 or less health.

battery. THIS IS NOT A WEAPON. it is a gimmick that lets you power the weapon system. only in games code as of now

particle bomb. It does massive system damage but no hull or bio damage. has a high fire chance.

new burst weapons:
Rusty flak. Shoots 10 flak but has a massive aim range. (70)

flak aimer. has a very small radius, but bad in the sense it cant hit multiple rooms often

Anti-bio ranged burst. a flak weapon with anti-bio properties

Crystal Flak. Its a flak weapon that shoots crystals.

new laser weapons:
Laser burst 6. Very overpowered but very expensive and rare. shoots 7 lasers

broken laser. fires out 12 lasers but does NO damage. has a decent fire chance

Gatling gun. has a very quick charge and has a chain power of quicker charge. no shields shall stand in your way.

Heavy Gatling gun. has a very quick charge and has a chain power of quicker charge. no shields shall stand in your way. Does more damage

Weak laser. extremely similar to the defense laser, but quicker charge. can also be found in stores and events.

Dual Vulcan. It's the vulcan... but each shot fires TWO lasers!

Conservative laser. requires no power for itself, but does require at least one other weapon to be powered

particle laser. It does massive system damage but no hull or bio damage. has a high fire chance.

particle laser mark II. It destroys any system and starts a fire. does no hull or bio damage.

New crystal weapons:
Heavy Crystal 3. Does 5 damage but very rare and expensive (can only be found in crystal sector)

Crystal cannon. its a common weapon found outside of crystal world. its not too powerful but still useful.

Crystal flak. It fires 3 crystals that pierce one shield each. Even better for taking care of enemy shields.

New Missile weapons:
Blast missile. Just like the burst missile, but costs 2 missiles to use.

Bolt Missile. Does 6 damage, but has a 23 sec cooldown, costs 5 power (yes you can actually do that), and is super rare and expensive.

particle missile. It does massive system damage but no hull or bio damage. has a high fire chance.

New Ion weapons:
Dual Ion. Shoots two ion blasts

Ion Gatling gun. has a very quick charge and has a chain power of quicker charge. no shields shall stand in your way. does only ion damage

PLUS... there are three new weapon types!
new energy weapons (energy weapons do hull and ion damage plus have increased fire chance)
new focus gun weapons (High breach chance and work like beams except have very short trails)
new Chaos Emitters (a lot like focus guns except FAR more powerful. Only two at the moment)

new drones! (combat III kinda broken... working on it)
Combat Mark III

Missile drone (fixed)

Bomb drone (working on it, not in game yet, but still in files)

Energy drone (do I have to explain this one?)

Quick hull repair drone (quicker than normal)

Ion drone (fixed)
Also changes some nebula events and plain text in empty beacons for all sectors.

Download link: (requires slipstream)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/h15jowtitod4h ... s.ftl?dl=0

Thanks to Taxiservice for making the mod testing environment.
Last edited by KingdomKrafters on Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:39 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby Stormbringer » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:55 pm

okay. feedback time. I think you should reconsider the whole 'causes damage every hit' thing. this is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too OP. perhaps tone it down a little. paralyse beam's okay. other than that, great job, and also consider
a. an imgur album
b. blatant self-advertising by including a ship with some of these weapons

but anyway nice to see some people still working away on this thing, even after like two years-ish? one year? I forgot.
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby KingdomKrafters » Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:01 am

I would include an imgur album, but like I said they don't have custom sprites. Also, I'm not sure which weapon you re referring too when you say "does damage every hit". Thanks for the feedback though!
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby Stormbringer » Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:09 am

KingdomKrafters wrote:I would include an imgur album, but like I said they don't have custom sprites. Also, I'm not sure which weapon you re referring too when you say "does damage every hit". Thanks for the feedback though!

your scavenger. it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too OP. and for the weak laser you might want to actually just make it so that it has a spread, like flak, instead of firing like 12 shots doing no damage.
broken laser: fires two shots, but it has software problems (has spread like flak) and needs more energy than a standard Burst Laser I (i.e. needs 3 energy) but has a decent chance to cause a fire.
killin' slugs and beating Rebels since 2014, modding the game since 2016
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby KingdomKrafters » Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:14 am

Ya I guess your right about the scavenger. I was actually going to have it do no damage and just breaches at the beginning of this project. I'll just change it back to that. I would make the broken laser a flak type weapon, but I don't know what the laser projectile is called. Also, I was actually in the making of a new ship using this mod. :P
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby KingdomKrafters » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:04 pm

Nerfed scavenger beam, so that it only causes breaches. Does no damage anymore
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby Arfy » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:46 pm

KingdomKrafters wrote:Of course I still lack the ability to make my own images that don't look like big white blocks.

For now, I'd recommend to take 2 vanilla weapons, cut some bits off and use the copy-cut-paste technique to connect said bits together, experiment! (I mean, it's the way I learned to make weapon sheets :P)

Also, the image format should always be in .png

(And of course I could help out!)
Last edited by Arfy on Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby rodprior700 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:58 pm

Arfy wrote:
KingdomKrafters wrote:Of course I still lack the ability to make my own images that don't look like big white blocks.

It's meeeeeeeeeeeee.
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby Arfy » Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:02 pm

rodprior700 wrote:psssttttt

Just saying, you accidentally pinged me because you quoted me within the quote. :P
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Re: [Weapon pack]KingdomKrafter's Weapon Expansion Pack

Postby rodprior700 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:10 pm

Arfy wrote:
rodprior700 wrote:psssttttt

Just saying, you accidentally pinged me because you quoted me within the quote. :P

well, you already posted here, it's just a 'happy little mistake' :S
Doesn't matter though, we both have skills to make weapons anyway.
It's meeeeeeeeeeeee.
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