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[MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:28 pm
by The Swarm Lord
Just bugfixing this update as I prepare to add more quests.

You can find a video about the update HERE



Vengeance class Frigate

Aggressor class Star Destroyer

Tartan Patrol Cruiser

Corellian Corvette


Mon Calamari Frigate

Nebulon B


Marauder Cruiser

Broadside Cruiser

Assault Frigate

Victory Class

Star Destroyer

Mon Calamari Cruiser

Millenium Falcon (With rare spices to sell for some scrap)

Slave I

Fixed the Rogue Sq A-Wing and Royal Interceptors. They will now shoot down incoming fighters
Fixed several of the ships so stations will be mannable

Changelog 1.3.1
The Star Destroyer is now a part of the rebel fleet
Re-designed the Slave I's Hull(So now it's playable)
Fixed the hulls of a few pirate ships
Added Disruptor Weapons. They deal x2 Damage on spots without a system

Changelog 1.3
Most vanilla ships are replaced with Star Wars Ships
Tier 3 interceptors will intercept and destroy other fighters
Fixed several bugs that would crash the game
Star destroyer is now playable and will not cause a crash
Balanced the cooldown of all of the weapons
Lucrehulk and venator added, eclipse class removed
You can now encounter space stations randomly
Newer pirate ships have been added
Crew has been cut down for player ships

Changelog V1.2.1
Updated all of the ships designs and room layouts to make them look nicer
Tightened the shields on the ship to make defense drones move around it better

Changelog V1.2
New ships! The Vengeance class frigate, Aggressor class star destroyer, Millennium falcon, and slave I
All ships have been given new textures
Drones now have new textures
Most ships now have weapons nerfs, to prevent them from being TOO powerful
Imperial laser now shoots 1 shot
Rebel laser now shoots 2 shots
Update older drones. Tie fighters, X-wings, B-wings, Y-wings, Tie Fighters, Tie Bombers, and A-wings now have different classes, each with a higher speed
Tie defender now attacks ships with a 2 damage laser
Tie Advanced now has a hullburst laser

Changelog v1.1
New drones added! Z-95 Fighter, Tie Advanced, Tie Bomber(Broken Texture for the moment), Elite Interceptor, Royal Interceptor, Tie Defender, B-Wing, A-wing
Drones textures updated, thanks to LordAshram!
Tie Interceptor now destroys missiles instead of attacking
Y-wing has been slowed down to balance out power.
Fixed the Assault Frigates doors so the Oxygen system is accessible
Renamed some ship Augments (Drone recovery arm changed to Hangar Bays,)
Renamed some weapons

Download v1.3.1.02

Older Versions
DOWNLOAD v1.3.1.01
Download v1.3.1 HOTFIX
DOWNLOAD 1.0:Download v1.0

Installation requires Slipstream Mod Manager

Big thanks to LordAshram for providing all of the new textures, giving me some new ideas, and coding the higher classes for drones!

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:23 pm
by agigabyte
You need a stealth ship in there, TIE Phantom maybe?

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:16 am
by Kiloku
I made a YT-2000 a few weeks ago. Take a look: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15618

You can add it to the mod if you want to. It's missing gibs, though.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:00 am
by mr silencer
wow you make this fast, i just learned about this mod yesterday :D it might just be me but it looks like some of the cruisers look like there from SW forces of corruption theirselves :D

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:25 am
by The Swarm Lord
mr silencer wrote:wow you make this fast, i just learned about this mod yesterday :D it might just be me but it looks like some of the cruisers look like there from SW forces of corruption theirselves :D

You are correct! Most of these are screenshots I took from Forces of Corruption(Except the eclipse class).

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:12 am
by mr silencer
speaking of the eclipse. WTF is with the 50 damage laser :D i didnt see that it did that much until i fought a 4 sheild enemy

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:12 am
by mr silencer
so i did a run with the tartan patrol cruiser and i moped the floor with the rebel flagship. my hull was still in the green when i beat him and i had 2 30% weapon reload augments. i messed up the screenshot so i cant show you guys but the t.p lasers you get off the start are amazing.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:09 pm
by The Swarm Lord
mr silencer wrote:speaking of the eclipse. WTF is with the 50 damage laser :D i didnt see that it did that much until i fought a 4 sheild enemy

The 50 damage laser is the Eclipse's Axial Superlaser. This laser was known to destroy most capital ships in 1 blow and cracking open planet's crust.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:41 pm
by mr silencer
right i thought it was the artilery beam that did the op laser thing

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:08 am
by agigabyte
Awesome mod! Thanks! :D :D :D :D