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Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:24 am
by remelia
Hi there, big fan of this mod. Great work!

I've been playing this mod for a while on Windows and recently I'm trying to get this working on my Linux machine. I'm running FTL 1.6.9 GOG version using Wine 6.2 and I was able to install and patch Hyperspace 6.2 into the FTLGame.exe. However, when I install Multiverse 4.8 Hostfix (using Slipstream Mod Manager v1.9.1, Unix version) and try to start the game using Wine, I get halfway through the loading screen before the game just crashes. Running from the terminal, I see that the last message before the game crashes is a bunch of "XXX: resource creation failed" error messages.

When I run the unmodded FTL and FTL with Hyperspace installed, the game starts up with no issue. This error seems to come up when I install the Multiverse patch. Here are the outputs from running wine FTLGame.exe: and the crashlogs from the FTL install directory: Any ideas what might be the reason behind the crash?


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:58 am
by 1khoursandcounting
TheMultiverseTeam wrote:Beacon Access Kit? I believe you're mistaken, I'm pretty sure that's from CE, it's definitely not in Multiverse. Not sure what the rock issue is either, because that event hasn't been reported before and it's definitely working on my end. Are you sure you didn't accidentally patch CE at the same time? Or possibly, backup your dat file with CE installed? Try going to slipstream and selecting nothing, then patching the game. You'll get a hyperspace error, but just ignore that and continue. Is the game CE? Or is it vanilla?

Whoops, my mistake, I had indeed had CE backed up. This probably explains the missing rockman event too. Thanks for clearing that up I've done a fresh install

So after a fresh install it's loading much faster than it was before but in the ftl.log file there is a lot of warnings like

Warning: Doubly defined name in dictionary: sectorname_CIVILIAN_SECTOR

is this a normal thing or did I mess up again?

Is it also normal for stealth 4 and 5 to cost 9999 scrap? On the wiki it has normal prices and I'm worried this is another CE/Infinite left over. Sometimes steam pulls files from the cloud so can make even clean installs have mods, I've ran into that issue on a few games. I'm not really sure how I can go about checking if any CE stuff has somehow gotten left over despite the clean install


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:47 pm
by TheMultiverseTeam
Any ideas what might be the reason behind the crash?

Unfortunately, this issue is primarily only on linux. Multiverse is very large, and thus FTL really chugs on some computers. I'm not sure if its wine or linux thats the culprit specifically, but ultimately linux users seem to suffer the most. Since it's not really a bug there's no good direct fix, but I can offer some potential solutions.
1.Try patching with LAA:
LAA is a 3rd party program that'll let 32 bit programs like FTL access more RAM. This is probably the simplest fix, but it's also the least successful (used to work better when MV was smaller).
2. Try using -directx with the process below;

Code: Select all

make a shortcut of FTLGame.exe
right click
at the end of the target textbox, after the quotation mark
type space and -directx
then run the game using the shortcut

I honestly have no idea how this works on a technical level, but it seems to have the most success for a lot of people.
3. If all else fails, remove delete the stars_special folder in Multiverse. This'll be located in the img folder in Multiverse's zip file.
Due to an unfortunate vanilla bug, we have to have double the number of background images than necessary, which as you can imagine really bloats the file size. Removing these will affect your game a bit (special events wont have their special backgrounds) but only graphically. So far, this has worked for everyone who needed to resort to it, so if the first two methods don't work hopefully this does.

I've been bugging Swift for a while to fix the background bug with hyperspace, which if that does happen then we can cut out all the unnecessary backgrounds anyways. I've also considered make a "low res resources" alternative with compressed backgrounds too.

Warning: Doubly defined name in dictionary: sectorname_CIVILIAN_SECTOR

Slipstream likes to turn up a lot of false positives, especially with Multiverse because I "clobber" a lot of the vanilla events. Don't worry about the log/validation unless your game is crashing.

Is it also normal for stealth 4 and 5 to cost 9999 scrap? On the wiki it has normal prices and I'm worried this is another CE/Infinite left over. Sometimes steam pulls files from the cloud so can make even clean installs have mods, I've ran into that issue on a few games. I'm not really sure how I can go about checking if any CE stuff has somehow gotten left over despite the clean install

This is normal, and its new to 4.8 so it hasn't yet been updated on the wiki. Cloaking lvl 4 and 5 have to be installed through the internal upgrade menu at empty beacons much like teleporter and clonebay lvl 4. The unconventionally high price in the upgrade menu is because there's no other way to make it "impossible" for the player to upgrade it normally.


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:11 am
by Ilikemultiverse
Hey, I just realized when I tested out the Zoltan Deleter: I don't get any kind of punishment for crew killing a pirate ship with no zoltans onboard using just the deleter. Is this broken, or did I miss something?


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:34 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
It's not actually possible to add any sort of repercussion to killing non-zoltans with the Zoltan deleter. It's more of a funny flavor text/inside joke, though you could treat it as a sort of honor code if you wanted.


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:52 am
by Ilikemultiverse
Recently I turned my computer off and on again because it was lagging badly, and now FTL Multiverse crashes every time it finishes loading. Is there anything I can do that doesn't mean I lose my current run?


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:16 pm
by Mary Guertena
First of all the amount of content in this mod is amazing!

Just noticed a few things from my first runthrough with it (Version 4.7 so ignore if these have been fixed thanks):

The golden gatling gun from Sylvan ignores the Flagship's cloak once its targeted, and continues to fire even after the flagship is dead.
During the fight with Sylvan I noticed most of the slugs ignored Crystal lockdown of rooms (unsure if this is intended).
My own Crystal Sentinel's were not able to escape rooms they'd locked down, nor could they ignore doors either while onboard Sylvan's ship.
Sylvan gives a lot of loot but it gets way too cluttered on the Over Capacity screen since the extra items all stack atop each other if you don't have inventory space. Would be nice if the extra items listed downwards or you could scroll through them.

Also this has probably been requested before, but if not (and if it's possible) some way to see the internal upgrades at any time just like we can see the usual ship upgrades.

Another suggestion is a variety of flagship bosses.
One of my favourite mods to accompany Vanilla/AE/CE is the 26 flagship mod by Gidoza (viewtopic.php?t=32545).
A major strength of FTL is the replayability. However that largely comes from the starting ship and playthrough before facing the flagship, which usually ends up being the same old fight.
I believe the 26 flagship mod would be compatible with multiverse, however even if that was the case it wasn't balanced for multiverse (which imo has a stronger baseline).
Would be great to have a range of flaships or something like that for the multiverse overhaul, especially given how many more flaship designs would be possible with all this content!

Finally, once again thanks for making multiverse, its been a great mod so far.


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:49 pm
by TheMultiverseTeam
Recently I turned my computer off and on again because it was lagging badly, and now FTL Multiverse crashes every time it finishes loading. Is there anything I can do that doesn't mean I lose my current run?

When you say it crashes, do you mean on the loading screen or on clicking continue? If it's on continue, I'm not sure anything can be done. If it crashes on loading, try going into the img folder inside the zip file and deleting the folder titled stars_special.

The golden gatling gun from Sylvan ignores the Flagship's cloak once its targeted, and continues to fire even after the flagship is dead.

This is just a consequence of it having a 0 second cooldown. It's a vanilla thing (though obviously you wouldn't actually see it in vanilla), so we'd need hyperspace to fix it, if at all. In case you're curious why, it's because there's a constant rate between shots on weapons, which means the gun is effectively buffering

During the fight with Sylvan I noticed most of the slugs ignored Crystal lockdown of rooms (unsure if this is intended).

Sylvan's crew is made up entirely of slug elites (which are saboteurs and rangers). Saboteurs are able to ignore doors, though in 4.8 this was reworked to only apply while they are cloaked. Sylvan and the Rangers however aren't able to, which is why only some of them could ignore doors.

My own Crystal Sentinel's were not able to escape rooms they'd locked down, nor could they ignore doors either while onboard Sylvan's ship.

This should be fixed in 4.8.

Sylvan gives a lot of loot but it gets way too cluttered on the Over Capacity screen since the extra items all stack atop each other if you don't have inventory space. Would be nice if the extra items listed downwards or you could scroll through them.

Unfortunately, UI changes such as this are completely out of our capabilities. It would fall on hyperspace, which has already slowed in development and has some pretty high priority bug fixes still on their plate, so it probably would be a while until this could be changed.

Also this has probably been requested before, but if not (and if it's possible) some way to see the internal upgrades at any time just like we can see the usual ship upgrades.

This too is also impossible for us, though in the upgrade menu if you have an upgrade already you should be able to see that you already have it.

I believe the 26 flagship mod would be compatible with multiverse, however even if that was the case it wasn't balanced for multiverse (which imo has a stronger baseline).
Would be great to have a range of flaships or something like that for the multiverse overhaul, especially given how many more flaship designs would be possible with all this content!

It definitely isn't compatible - Multiverse uses hyperspace features for the flagship that wouldn't be available for said mod. Flagship randomization is something a lot of people have brought up on the discord, and it's not too terribly hard to pull off. That said however, it's a pretty low priority for us at the moment (along with similarly requested addons like an infinite mode), as the base mod still has a lot left to be done and the roadmap only keeps getting longer and longer as time goes on. I wouldn't expect to see any major addons until 5.0, which will be the "final" update in terms of the base mod being complete.


Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:07 am
by tinyrodent
I finally found Spectral Capital for the first time, it was located just before the flagship. But when I tried to enter, the game just exited to the desktop. I tried again, hit Continue, it did the same thing, but this time wiped the save, so can't continue. :(

Some of the unique events seem to have a very small probability of appearing in any game. After many many games I still haven't even had an opportunity to unlock Sylvan A, Pleasure Barge A, and five of the A ships on page 9 of the hangar. Everything else has been unlocked for a while now.


Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:39 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
Nebula sectors sometimes have crashes, the source of this is still unknown despite it dating back all the way to versions 2.x+. Whenever the game crashes, always make sure to backup mv_continue.sav because a second crash always deletes the save file.

Unique/special quests always spawn in [!] sectors and have a 100% chance of appearing in the applicable sector. Pleasure Barge, for instance, always spawns in the Slug Home Nebula and will every time you go there (obviously, you can still miss it though). There's a few exceptions where special events can ALSO spawn outside of [!] sectors, but only those which lead to secret sector questlines.
A large portion of the ships on the 9th page + Sylvan are all tied to a long and heavily secretive questline in MV, that's been around for a while. I won't spoil it, but try to be on the look out for LINK beacons in engi/liberated sectors, you might happen across something special there.