Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby Z_Ace » Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:12 pm

TheMultiverseTeam wrote:New crew is only possible with hyperspace, so the statistics are kept in hyperspace.xml, the blueprint in blueprints.xml, and the animation code in animations.xml.

Thank you! I'll take a look at it.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby RAD-82 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:21 pm

Alvarin wrote:Greetings!
I'm making a ship with several non-standard room sizes ( 1x1 ) and am having issues with manning glows. They do not appear.
Elsewhere in these forums there was a solution to add " room_ " in the XMLs, but I do not understand the suggestion.
Can someone give me instructions as to what change or rename?
EDIT - I am trying to use the standard glow-1-2-3 and pilot glow 1-2-3.

I assume your ship is the pebble that Rand has recently uploaded to his box?

Rename files in img/ship/interior:

peb_pilot.png ---> room_peb_pilot.png
peb_engine.png ---> room_peb_engine.png
peb_shield.png ---> room_peb_shield.png

Edit blueprints.xml.append so that the rooms use the new filenames.

That should be enough to fix the glows. No changes are required to rooms.xml.append since the "room_" is supposed to be missing in that file.
Junkyard has FTL mods, mostly ships and a few other things.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby Alvarin » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:55 pm

Thank you for that, it worked!
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby anAngryHamster » Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:27 pm

How can I rename an existing system? I'm looking to rename the clone bay but it doesn't seem to be in the blueprints xml.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby anAngryHamster » Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:33 pm

Thank you! I''m just looking to change the display name in game.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby PURPL3P4ND4 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:23 pm

Just started modding, Messed around with superluminal for a long time, and now I started a project to give the player a dark matter weapon at the start beacon. I was wondering if anyone could help me overwrite the start beacon. I'll copy the event info.
<event name="DARK_MATTER_WEAPON">
<text>You find an odd item floating in space. Nearby debris is dragged towards it. Your instincts tell you to flee, but you are slowly pulled in. You barely manage to pull away, being hit by debris on the way. You find a smaller version of the object.</text>
<weapon name="Dark_Matter_Laser" />
<damage amount="3" />
<choice hidden="true">
<text>Pick it up.</text>
<autoReward level="LOW">scrap_only</autoReward>
<weapon name="Dark_Matter_Laser" />
Thank you.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby PURPL3P4ND4 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:04 am

Thanks for the reply. I have a .XML.append file with my weapon blueprint, and also with the edited auto blueprint. I've added the event as an append file too. My only issue was trying to put it into the sector data XML append, because whatever I did it didn't seem to work. I read on the wiki that the starting sector is slightly different from civilian sector, is it the sector named standard space in the game files? I can't actually get to my pc RN as I'm not at home for a day or two, but would this work?
<mod:findName type="event" name="START_GAME_CHOICES">
<text>You find an odd item floating in space. Nearby debris is dragged towards it. Your instincts tell you to flee, but you are slowly pulled in. You barely manage to pull away, being hit by debris on the way. You find a smaller version of the object.</text>
<weapon name="Dark_Matter_Laser" />
<damage amount="3" />
<choice hidden="true">
<text>Pick it up.</text>
<autoReward level="LOW">scrap_only</autoReward>
<weapon name="Dark_Matter_Laser" />
Pretty sure my code is wrong here though.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby PURPL3P4ND4 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:30 pm

Nemo Jr. wrote:Hi, you know how to append your event to events.xml and your weapon to blueprints.xml, right? If not, I can help.

I gave up on the start beacon. just trying to make a ship now. I am trying to use the mod now, but it seems not to work at all. I get the error line 1 col 92: strange attributes when i make a zip and rename it to ftl, and when i make .rar or .7z files the mod seems to have no effect at all. This is the blueprints file (.xml.append). I also have relevant images.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf=8"?>

<weaponBlueprint name="Dark_Matter_Laser">
<title>Dark Matter Laser</title>
<short>Dark Matter</short>
<desc>Shoot deadly anti matter at your foes</desc>
<tooltip>Dark Matter Pierces all shields</tooltip>
and this is the animations one.
<animSheet name="DARK_MATTER_ANIM" w="250" h=130"" fw="83" fh="130">weapons/DMLaser.png</animSheet>

<weaponAnim name="DARK_MATTER_ART">
<desc length="3" x="0" y="0"/>
<firePoint x="65" y="120"/>
<mountPoint x="65" y="35"/>

<animSheet name="dark_matter" w="40" h="41" fw="40" fh="41">weapons/DARK_MATTER1.png</animSheet>

<anim name="dark_matter">
<desc length="1" x="0" y="0"/>
sorry if this is a bit long, wasnt sure how else to do this.
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Re: Questions here: an inquiry thread! [Updated Sep 15th, 2014]

Postby HalfDemon23 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:44 pm

Absolute shot in the dark but does anyone have a copy of my old Ship Mod 'Mor-Saxum' that could send it to me? I'm hoping to update it but lost all copies of the file.

It's been about ten years since I released the mod, so I know it's not likely...but even if someone had a copy of the weapons made for the ship (heck even the sfx for the weapons) I could re-do the mod from looking at playthroughs.

Sorry if this the wrong place to put this inquiry, just didn't know where else to ask the question, thanks.