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The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:19 am
by Mr.Mafia
The Engi are not to be trusted, never let an Engi on board your ship. If you do you must be prepared to suffer the consequences. The stasis pod you've been storing in the cargo bay for the last 10 jumps will vanish unexplainably. Odd deaths will strike your crew members, ranging from strange viruses that the Engi are conveniently immune to, too men suddenly going mad once they get on your ship. Eventually there will be nothing left. Nothing but the Engi pilot who took over as helmsman when your previous one conveniently died in a firefight.
And you, the Captain? You will find yourself drifting in the endlessness of space... or worse.

First update
Engi allied with Zoltan
Zoltan are radioactive
Engi are engineers
Nukes produce radioactivity

EDIT: 4/14/2014
I've been in hiding for... a couple years now... Its been a long wait, and I've finally finished.
Thank you to everyone who kept the conspiracy alive while I was away. Especially to Spiderbox, who not only revived the Conspiracy, but also provided valuable information that helped speed the research along. Regrettably, we have been unable to find and extract Spiderbox. He is assumed dead.

Thanks also to the Zoltan research and development team, who were killed for their traitorous acts against the Engi.

Now, down to business. We over here at the research labs in AERRA (ANTI-ENGI-RED-ROUGE-AGENCY) have managed to replicate the Zoltan's progress on the Ion weapon. Unfortunately many files were lost, and the prototype we have built is missing many key factors. We are still working on a way to mass produce these weapons, and further more a long recharge time is required before each shot is fired.

Watch the shadows, Mafia out.

Re: The Engi

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:58 am
by Number43
Um, did something in particular bring about this rant? Because there are very few events that involve the engi being dishonest or thieves.

Re: The Engi

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:14 am
by Mr.Mafia
Number43 wrote:Um, did something in particular bring about this rant? Because there are very few events that involve the engi being dishonest or thieves.

You must find the truth out for yourself.
Engi allied with Zoltan
Zoltan are radioactive
Engi are engineers
Nukes produce radioactivity
Don't you see? The Engi are going to use the Zoltan's...

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:38 pm
by Madhax
Yeah, now that I think about it, I've never NOT been mislead by an engi distress beacon. It's always a mantis ship luring me in.

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:05 am
by Mr.Mafia
Okay I managed to get away from the Engi raid! I've moved to a different hideout, and I'm continuing to dig deeper into this spiraling conspiracy!

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:19 pm
by hybridfive
What do you do when the Engi surrenders to you without prompting?

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:36 pm
by spacecadet13
Accept their surrender - you get scrap and the odd fuel/missle unit, and there is no penalty for taking them. If you "explain that you're friendly'" you get nothing - they just say thanks and leave.

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:24 am
by Mr.Mafia
Everyone! The Engi conspiracy thickens.
I was looking into the numbers and found a pattern. I'm not done, but it looks like this could link the Engi to the US government. I'll inform you people here at the forums once I've discovered what this means. This could revolutionize the scale of the conspiracy we know today!

My theory was correct! The conspiracy is bigger than we realize!
Stay on your toes!

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:42 am
by Number43
spacecadet13 wrote:Accept their surrender - you get scrap and the odd fuel/missle unit, and there is no penalty for taking them. If you "explain that you're friendly'" you get nothing - they just say thanks and leave.

Sometimes they give you stuff anyway when you tell them you're friendly. It doesn't seem to be better loot though, and you only get it half the time.

Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:30 pm
by TheAzryte
THere is nO conSpiracy. We meaN for pEace. We wiLl noT hUrt You.
PleAse dO noT rEsiSt tHe laW oFfiCers, tHey mEan To helP yoU.
RatHer, sUbMit foR pRoceSsiNg At tHe neaResT laW enForCemEnt sTaTion.
AgaIn, thE enGi meAn nO hArm.