Data Recording of FTL Mission: Captain's Log

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Data Recording of FTL Mission: Captain's Log

Postby Jgoodste » Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:49 pm

Hello everyone...this thread is being moved because I originally placed it in the wrong location. If you were looking for this in General Discussion it has been moved over here. Anyways, I'm ready for my first post, so let's get started.


Sector 1, Beacon 1: Leaving the Hangar
This is the captain of the ship known as the Black Stallion. I am currently in a remote civilian area, one of few still controlled by the weakening Galactic Federation. The rebels are winning many of the battles against us and we might be the last chance for the Federation. We have critical data that might be able to cripple the Rebel Fleet. It is a dangerous journey back to the Federation Sector, and if we don’t get there alive, the Federation will lose the war. Our ship is a Class-B Doorless Model Rock Assault ship. It has no door system or airlocks, and it is dependent on its Rockman crew to extinguish fires. The crew consists of the following:
Pilot and Executive Officer Maxim, a Rockman.
Weapons Officer and First Lieutenant Rafn, a Rockman.
Engineer Phillips, a Rockman.
Shield Operator and Corporal Kadreal, also a Rockman.
The ship is equipped with an advanced laser weapon that can pierce through one layer of shielding. Against more advanced enemies it will be impossible to win with, but in civilian areas like these it will be more than enough to tear through most enemy ships. It also comes equipped with a bomb launcher that starts fires, but we won’t be needing that at the moment, and we can’t power both weapons at once. Rocks are immune to fire, though, so that could be an intriguing proposition later. The ship has outdated shields and sensors, which will make defense tricky until we find a way to improve them. They still function well, though, especially when manned, and the massive rock plates on our hull should help limit damage. The engines are good enough to evade when necessary but they’re nothing special, and the reactor core is good for most civilian ships, though it’s nothing for a military vessel. It will also need improvement. Hopefully we don’t hit any nasty hazards in the first couple of sectors. Looks like there’s a distress beacon nearby, so we’ll head there first. Man your stations, we are powering up the FTL and moving out!
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:53 pm

Re: Data Recording of FTL Mission: Captain's Log

Postby Jgoodste » Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:51 pm

Sector 1, Beacon 2 (Distress)
The distress beacon is coming from a nearby space station that is having a problem with its defense system. It seems to be firing out of control, shooting lasers all over the place. The space station has even taken some damage from its own system! Without any technical experts on board and no way to approach the defenses without being fired upon, we take a few cautious shots of our own. A turret on the system explodes into dust and we realize we can take this thing down easily. As I start to give the order to Rafn to open fire, the civilian station orders us to stop. They do not seem impressed with our idea and decide to wait for help. Hopefully they can get some before the Rebel Fleet shows up. We take a little bit of scrap and decide to head out.
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:53 pm

Re: Data Recording of FTL Mission: Captain's Log

Postby Jgoodste » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:51 pm

Sector 1, Beacon 3 (Nebula)
The view of our ship fizzles out at the comm and we realize that we have jumped right into a nebula, which has taken out our sensors. An advanced rebel auto-scout moves in to engage. Once it identifies us, it starts to power up its FTL drive! It is going to warn the Rebels of our position! I quickly give the order to Rafn to power up the weapons. The scout has a heavy laser which shouldn’t hurt us as well as some kind of bomb launcher. The pierce laser fires and slams into the piloting module. That should prevent them from getting away, at least. Suddenly, we hear a thud and a loud BOOM as the bomb from the rebel scout goes off in an empty room. Investigating, Maxim finds a small fire and quickly puts it out before returning to his pilot seat. Rafn fires in sync with the enemy bomb, its final shot before a loud thud resonates from their weapon control and the laser and bomb go dark. The ship’s outer lights are flickering and it shouldn’t be long now. The second explosion nearly misses, going into an empty starboard room. Maxim finds no impacts as the laser fires again, breaching the hull. A loud screech comes from the scout as it splits down the middle. So much for them getting away. We snag some fuel cells despite our limited view and prepare to jump out.
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:53 pm

Re: Data Recording of FTL Mission: Captain's Log

Postby Jgoodste » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:34 pm

Sector 1, Beacon 4 (Nebula)
At first we think we are alone in this nebula. All of a sudden, a crack comes from our shields as they deflect a laser blast! We look out the window and see a rapidly closing Auto-Scout vehicle once again. This one has a one-shot laser and a small beam weapon, and it doesn’t have any shielding. We fire at their weapons to prevent the scout from damaging us, but the small and agile craft dodges the shot easily. The mini beam, curse our luck, fires right after the basic laser brings down the shield layer momentarily. It causes some damage, but it’s only to an empty room, so we should be fine. No alarms to report, but that might be because of those damned sensors. We finally manage to destroy their weapons system, but the scout nearly dodges that one as well. As it’s recalibrating Rafn decides to fire right away. The bold move pays off as the laser crumples the hull plating near the bridge of the ship. After one more shot, the scout shatters and we grab some scrap from its wreckage. Jumping out.