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The Kestrel: The Last Hope

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:19 pm
by PiratedChaos
Allright, this is a story about the Federation, and the kestrel being their last hope. Took inspiration from other fanfics. Enjoy :D


Captain Bremminglar Swamps awoke to the cold. He found himself lying on a metal bed. This is a medbay facility, right? He wondered. Suddenly a Engi doctor entered the room. "Hello. System 6.11 detects "Bremminglar" is alive. Clone Bay: successful."

"Wait, wait what? What the hell is going on?" The Engi doctor seemed to be saddened.

"You are a clone. Galactic Federation Clone Bay 2 successful."

Swamps couldn't believe it. He was a..clone? "How long have I been here for?"

"You, the commander of destroyed ship 'Vengeance'. You were saved at the end of the Fifth Reich, when the Rebels entered. System 4.66 power low."

Swamps thought he was going crazy. The Mantis-Federation war was light-years ago! And the Engi said something about a Rebellion?

"So..I've been sleeping here for five light years?"

"Afformative. Correct. Rebellion taking over."

"Wait, what the hell is this Rebellion? Didn't we kill the Mantis?"

"This does not have anything to do with the Mantis. A rebellion made havoc. The rebellion is made of humans, former federation humans."

Swamps was getting annoyed with this stuff. He started to ask to leave but was pushed out by the Engi doctor. He found himself to be in the Federation Hangar, one of the bases of the Federation.

"Wow! Look at the size of...wait, the Kestrel?"

From what Swamps knew, Light years ago during the Federation-Slug war, the Kestrel was the main flagship at the time, but it was destroyed in a ion storm by a Mantis.

"Sir? Sir! Come over here, quick!"

Swamps turned around to see another human by the name of Valyeria.

"Follow me sir, Tully wants to talk with you!"

Swamps gasped. Admiral Tully was the captain of the Federation, no higher rank then him. He recieved a tablet and Tully spoke to him.

"Hello, Swamps. This is Tully, and I've been wanting to talk to you about quite a few...errors we've had in the past years while you were in the Clone Bay."

"Yes, but sir, what is a Clone Bay?"

"Just what it sounds like, kid. Your ship blew up when the Mantis Flagship destroyed it. Your body life signs was zero. But we put you into a Clone Bay, and revived your body. You're not actually a clone, you are yourself, revived from the dead."

"Yes, sir. So I've been hearing talk of a Rebellion, and, what is it?"

"Yeah, I wanted to say that. The rebellion was formed at the end of the Mantis war, when the surviving Mantis teamed up with angry Federation co-workers. They created weapons manufactured by the Rockmen, toughest in the universe."

"Yep, and what effect did it have on the Federation?"

"Bad. They destroyed the bulk of our fleet and destroyed our flagship with theirs. Since then they've recruited more Federation workers, Mantis, even Zoltan and Rockman. I've heard word that Slugs are joining too."

"Those slimy bastards are in this too?"

"Yeah. The Rebel Fleet are moving toward your base, the Hangar. Sooner or later they'll capture the base. We've got the bulk of the remaining fleet here, eight sectors away from where you are."

"Little something we got to worry about, eh?"

"The only way we'll destroy the Rebels is if we kill the damn Flagship, but god is that thing loaded. You are our last chance."

"Why is there a Kestrel in the Hangar?"

"Wait, before I say that, I want to say that General Rick Brown is alive, and also Commander Kaz Zachary are both alive."

Swamps was relieved. Rick Brown was a well-known figure back in the old times. He once killed 50 Slug Light-Cruisers during the Slug war, to save his colony in his ship Red-Tail. Zachary was a legendary man in the Mantis war. He defeated the Flagship with his legendary ship The Osprey.

"That Kestrel cruiser is your ship. You now better hurry, the rebels are almost here. A Mantis at the front will give you directions in the ship."

"Bye, Tully"

He shut off all communications as Swamps hurried to the Kestrel.

"Hello, Bremminglar."

"Call me Swamps."

"Sorry. You'll be teamed up with Weapons Operator Slugzorg and Engineer Hatath Envy."

"Thanks, Mantis."

Just as he closed the door, a huge crash could be heard. The Rebels were here! He ran to the cockpit as fast as possible, saying quick hellos to his crewmates as he bolted. He could hear the hull getting hit as they sped away Faster Than Light.

End of 1st Chapter.

Re: The Kestrel: The Last Hope

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:21 am
by PiratedChaos
Chapter 2: Civil Sector of the Federation

"Holy crap, what's happening?!?" the captain Swamps asked over the comm channel, just as he escaped the massive Hangar.

"Yeah, a rebel Capital ship just breached the hangar and took out a huge chunk of the base with a missile!" the unknown person or alien on the other end replied.

"Who are you, anyways?"

"I'm the Colonel KazaaakplethFilik, the leader of the Mantis. My brother KazaaakplethKilik is a famous thief that terrorizes the Mantis controlled sectors. You just call me on, and I'll reply, see ya!". The message ended, as Swamps made himself comfortable.

"Hey, dude!"


"Uh, i'm Slugzorg, a Slug that'll be a weapons dude on this cruiser. Hatath is gonna talk t'ya now."

"Hello captain. I'm Hatath Envy, or just Envy for short. Listen, the impulse drives are working, and the FTL drive is loaded. Bye."

"Hmmm." the captain though as he loaded the jump map. Instinct told him to come over to a Distress Beacon active a jump away. The captain jumped, and there was a big flash and a WAZZINK!

As the crew became aware of their surroundings, they noticed a settlement on a nearby planet that was attempting to hail them."Hello, travelers. Your ship seems to be outfitted for for a bit of mercenary work?"

"Uh...sure I guess..."

"Our friends over here by that moon, well, because of this civil war, they've turned to lead a life of piracy...and we need you guys to bruise 'em up, so we can convince them to end this pirate action. I can join yer crew, and maybe give ye a military grade weapon, IF you beat them up and return them."

"Accepted. By the way, what your race?"

"I am a person."

"Ok let's go."

Swamps led the Kestrel cruiser to a pirated old Rebel Auto-Scout. Purple markings scarred the once grey ship, and somehow they must of installed a O2 system.

Slugzorg contacted the Captain."Heh, they musst be very new to thisss ssstuff."

The slug activated the shiny new toy installed on this cruiser...well, two of them. A Auto-Burst Standard Plasma Gun MK II, and a Artemis Military Grade Projectile Launcher, usually shortened to a Burst Laser II or a Artemis Missile. He targeted the weapons control room, and the shields system, while the pirated ship had a Standard Hull Smasher Laser, and a Defence Laser Mark I. The rocket soared through the space, and breached the shields, likely heavily weakening the system, and, now weak, activated the Burst Laser, and smacked the helm. Suddenly, they received a hail.

"We ain't cut for this pirate stuff! Let us live!"

Swamps thought about it for a moment, and miffed, let them live. The now-not-Pirates gratefully returned to the main station, and the man was happy.

"We've got a choice of guns, plus a bit of Federation Credits for you. A Old Fashioned Medival Pike Beam Laser, aka Pike Beam, or a Physical Projectile Accelerator Mark I, or a Flak I."

Swamps made an executive decision, and sold the Artemis Missile for both guns. "And come aboard, good sir."

"Actually, it's someone else coming onboard. Ensign Cubbin Carton, a Engi!"

"We would love better crewmen, so welcome aboard, Ensign!