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Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:05 am
by stylesrj
A bright decision summoner!

Ok who brought Lux in here?

Dread Pirate Zaln of course. He needs his light puns. Nothing too heavy.

Did you just?


That is so not Numberwang.


Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:28 am
by HarkintheMantis
Gold Text Person, Lunch is space pizza and Bacon Ramen
Hey whats that giant Big Boy thing doing here unless
DR EVIL!!!!!

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:23 am
by stylesrj
Hmmm, is anyone here a poet? Because we might need to send a poet to describe what I'm seeing up ahead behind the Big Boy and that thing which looks like a big

Johnson! We need a status update

Lux and Zaln are still closing in Kassandra. But what is that large, throbbing We need to know before we destroy it.

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:47 am
by SciGuy303
It's about time.
Wangernumb, is that you?
Ok. Now lets disintegrate that Dread pirate Zaln.
What are you talking about?
Wunbernang, the hell are you doing here?
You promised me a taco.
Still, what are you talking about?
There's this Dread pirate Zaln guy who we need to disintegrate.
Count me in.
Ok, let's do this!

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:14 pm
by Fireclaw27
Captain Zaln: You fools, the Kal-Turi shall slaughter you. You are too late too stop me. Kal-Turi, destroy them.
Kal-Turi: Yes Master
Wait. Kal-Turi are being mind-controlled. If mind control system = destroyed...
Zaln: Shut up Engies, or the Kal-Turi will send you to the 2nd dimension!

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:46 am
by stylesrj
The second dimension? Hey if you're going there Engies, could you hook me up with a line or two? I don't want it to be a triangle or a circle like last time.

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:23 am
by SciGuy303
FIRE EVERYTHING! and by everything I mean 'The Weapon that has no name because the creator was too lazy to name it'. Seriously, that's what it's saying under the weapon. It's causing some issues with the UI, and the name is so stupid my game sometimes freezes momentar-

Damn, it happened again. Anyway, fire the Centauri cannon and the Gamma ray artillery!


Mind control running. Kal-Turin, slaughter Captain Zaln! And make me a taco. I've been waiting for it way too long now.

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:25 am
by stylesrj
What's going on out there? Is someone making tacos or not? I could really use a taco right about now!

Tacos rule! But why do they concern you right now?

Dammit if someone's making tacos, I want one!

Hello can someone hear me? I'm reaching out telepathically to anyone who can hear me.

I'm getting voices in my head. Something's going on out there and I don't like it.

Voices in your head? I'm not hearing anything new besides my grandfather's ramblings. Maybe only you can hear it.

Whatever. Bring me a taco whoever's out there!

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:34 pm
by SciGuy303
Taco at your doorstep. Or airlock. Whatever.

Re: A Strange Code

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:58 pm
by stylesrj
Ah spacedropped tacos! The best thing ever!

Can I get a taco too?

I don't even know where you are and it seems only I can hear you.

This taco is delicious

Dammit now Kassandra's eaten the taco I requested!
Now what's happening out there... oh it seems something's going on with Zaln's ship. I hope it's the Wangernumbing being inflicted upon him. How dare he tells us to stop Numberwang!