How I defeated boss (EASY) :D

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How I defeated boss (EASY) :D

Postby SecondVelocity » Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:05 am

I know there are lots of posts of this already but I fucked up a lot on easy and I still managed to beat the boss. And by fucked up a lot I mean I lost three people attacking their ship :/. Well anyways at the end I had four guys, each positioned at each thing. Pilot, Engine, Shields, and Weapons. They were all levled all the way except my weapons guys (I told you I fucked up a lot and he died.. lol). Well if you didn't fuck up, then you probably could have two or more crew members on your ship and with that you can teleport them to the boss. Try to teleport to the missles (middle right) because that hurts the most. Get hermes missles (probably one is good) and a gaive beam (that's what I had). Also had the weapon thing where you automatically refresh when ftl. That's pretty easy. Get rid of all your energy from the cloak so it lasts 5 seconds for stage 2 and 3 of the boss. All you need it for is to dodge the power increase and that's it. The other just increases the cooldown. Bring two missles this time (I had two hermes). Take down the drone and then attack the shields and you can kill iwth that. Like before attack missles with your guys if you didn't fuck up and kill them. Third stage it's harder. You attack the missle again and then one/two hermes and then kill. Easy :D I survived with one crew member lol.