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What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:49 am
by Observato
Pretty much what the title says.

Myself -
1) One beacon gives me a Glaive Beam and a Pre-Igniter at no cost.
2) My first Mantis B run has no automated drones or Zoltans in the first 3 sectors, and goes on to kill the Flagship.

1) Stealth ship. First beacon = beam drones plus beam weapons. Dead on arrival.
2) The same Mantis B run has no weapons except an Anti-Bio Beam, a Hull Laser II around S5, and a Fire Bomb in S7 out of desperation. I was deeply worried I wasn't going to be able to kill the Flagship's 1st phase, and the 3rd was a mad rush to get the Zoltan shields and triple missile down before I did.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:26 am
by VanguardOfValor
Most of the runs I turned into videos wound up being pretty lucky. I think the luckiest one might have been the run in the Rock Cruiser where I found a pre-igniter in the first sector as well as a hull beam to stop me from running out of missiles like usual.

It's hard to say what was the least lucky, although the run in my crystal cruiser (with only two humans and a crystal crewing it) where I had to fight a four-mantis boarding team (two seperate two-mantis teams) in a sun when their first two missiles knocked out my helm and my shields. I went from full health to dead so incredibly fast.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:30 am
by aaOzymandias
Best lucky, having Zoltan B with 2 Pike beams, weapon re-loaders, good crew and decent drones.

Bad "luck", forgetting this was not the stealth ship and i could just upgrade my shields, not needing to buy them, and dying in an asteroid field in sector 4 with close to 300 spare scrap :)

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:37 pm
by Vexov
That would be the constant "OMG FK THESE MISSLES" cause i can't do nothing but pray they miss... but early on they really don't have much chance of missing and nail all my systems too fast. OH a ship with 2 launchers?.... and with other weapons ... even drones!!! and its just sector 2-4?.

Worst luck would never getting luky enough to come across the drone system... and even if you do you might never come across the defense drone.
This really includes anything as you really gotta pray you come across something good.. or else you may never beat the higher shields in the next sector.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:08 pm
by madattak9
Getting a well armed Zoltan A, getting a 'you have been boarded' by four people event, in conjunction with meeting a ship with a four man teleporter.

Needless to say, my crew had no chance.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:38 pm
by cakebread666
I just beat the game on what was like my 40th try. Everything went my way. 8 man crew. 4 shields. Maxed out guns. I didn't lose any crew through the whole game. Every distress call was manageable. Every planet helpful. No one was crazy or traitorous. It was like a walk in the park.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:06 am
by jamotide
The best luck I ever had was when my boarding crew was stuck on the enemy ship with 1 hull left, while the teleporter was recharging. 4 asteroids missed in a row and I got to save them all!

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:20 am
by UltraMantis
jamotide wrote:The best luck I ever had was when my boarding crew was stuck on the enemy ship with 1 hull left, while the teleporter was recharging. 4 asteroids missed in a row and I got to save them all!


I bet that felt awesome :D

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:00 am
by cakebread666
jamotide wrote:The best luck I ever had was when my boarding crew was stuck on the enemy ship with 1 hull left, while the teleporter was recharging. 4 asteroids missed in a row and I got to save them all!

That's slick. There should be an award for that.

Re: What's the best and worst luck you've had?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:23 pm
by More Dakka
Best luck -- probably either an early Kestrel run where I somehow managed to end up with three BL2s, or a Crystal B run where I collected a crew composed of four rockmen, two crystal, and two mantises.

Worst -- likely running into sun+boarders -> asteroid+boarders -> asteroid+boarders all in a row, early in sector 1, with a ship that had no crystal, rock or mantis on it.