Hey Guys!

General discussion about the game.
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Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:24 am

Hey Guys!

Postby GRaTE GaYmE GauYz » Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:40 am

I used to like this game, but you dickheads fucked with something behind the scenes. Now it's lame as shit. Weapons that used to rock like Ion blast II are now dogshit. It's just miss city. Want to kill that enemy? Nah, fuck you, go to miss city. How about you just miss back to back to back. Miss miss miss. Isn't this fun and challenging guys? We've got to let that stupid npc ship (that almost always has missles b/c fuck your shields) get you down 10 health. What a challenge, what fun, what a great game.

What's that? You've got a good ship that just needs a little scrap to upgrade into it's final strong form? How about you just jump into a bunch of empty sectors? Hope you have to resort to buying jump juice when all your sectors are empty shitty wastes of time. You'll have plenty scrap to buy it (with all those empty sectors you'll be jumping into). LOL what challenge, what fun?!

What's that? You don't want every distress beacon to be giant alien spiders? How about you just buy a boarding drone to deal with all the giant alien spiders we want you to encounter, everybody loves boarding drones. No ship can be called good without boarding drones.

Something changed about this game, and I think you fuckers changed it because you despise the things players liked the most. So you fucked those things and called it balance. God forbid people prefer one weapon over another. God forbid you prefer to play a certain way. We know better than you stupid players. Buy a boarding drone for once you stupid players! (or we're going to fuck you in the ass)

I've never posted on this stupid board until now. I've enjoyed this game for years, I used to think it was one of the best games ever made. There's absolutely nothing wrong with patching this game give yourself an advantage (aka cheat) because you dickheads have made it stupidly unrewarding. You had lightning in a bottle and you should've kept your filthy hands off it when you finished.

Fuck off.