Minelayer bot turn order bug

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Minelayer bot turn order bug

Postby NeJin_ » Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:31 pm


As you can see in the pictures, the turnorder clearly shows that a) NPC actions come before enemy actions b) The bots are supposed to attack first. In spite of that, they don't. F7 Alpha crap kills the minelayerbot at D4, then the other enemies execute their attacks, then the new enemies attept to spawn, and then, minelayer bot number 2 (and the first one would move too, if it hadn't been destroyed - tested that) at F1 moves and lays it's egg. Afterwards, enemies move towards their new targets. I'ts doubly odd, because the minelayer bots seemingly can't move "normally" - if you mouse over them, they are displayed as having 0 mov, but movin when trying to lay down a mine. I don't know how you intended these things to work, but my guess is that they're working as intended, and the turn order is displayed wrongly.
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Re: Minelayer bot turn order bug

Postby isla » Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:47 pm

This is something we're working on and should have a fix for in a future update.