mod ideas, a bit more realism?

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mod ideas, a bit more realism?

Postby jackthepwn » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:18 am

I find that somethimes the game is a bit weird with what the random ships can do and stuff that you can do.

Im wondering if someone can make a mod that adds the ability to use that same chat options the computers have. like in a fight at any time i can try to bribe the enemy ship. or offer a crew member. also i think it would be cool to be able to lure in pirates to you by sending out a distress signal when you still have fuel.
not to mention that you should be able to accept a bribe from a computer and still destroy them. seriously there is nothing stopping you from takeing their stuff and blowing them up if it was realistic.
Another idea is if you have teleporters and you find a slaver ship you can teleport a slave onto your ship and try to get away.
most of leas aren't really to groundbreaking or important but it would give the game a better feel and make you more free with what playstyle your gona do.

So, is it possible :?:
like jack the ripper, jack of all trades, aaaaannd captain jack sparrow
Doom Lich
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:58 pm

Re: mod ideas, a bit more realism?

Postby Doom Lich » Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:36 pm

A lot of those break gamebalance. I'd assume if someone is offering you goods for surrender you'd have to pull in close for a goods transfer. That alone is a good reason not to open fire on them again, you'd risk substantial damage on your own ship.

The slave teleport thing is an option already if you have a teleporter.