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Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:49 pm
by Sharky06
The link is broken again! Oh noes!

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:13 am
by Imthemememan
what ship(s) does it replace?

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:56 am
by PR0T05T33L
Does anyone have a working download? I kinda want to try this ship out.

EDIT: A remake of this mod is currently in the works.
EDIT 2: It is done.

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:33 am
by BrenTenkage
PR0T05T33L wrote:Does anyone have a working download? I kinda want to try this ship out.

Same here

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:26 pm
by porcu93
I had the file downloaded for over 4 years, and I know it has been well over 3 years since the last post in here, but have a functioning download link:
The only thing I've changed was the glow in the pilot room, so I don't know if the ship will actually work or not. I'm slowly checking what mods I have in my computer, so it may take a while for me to check all of them, but this is a start.

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:34 am
by Squishybrick
Here's my personal take on the ship, having played it myself.

Disclaimer: I will admit, my opinion on this ship is probably harsher than it should be, due to me having gotten VERY spoiled to slug repair gel
in the last few ships I've played, and AI/Hologram crew. Having to suddenly worry about hull breaches again and losing crew to stray fires and
hull breaches definitely stung.

In all honesty, this ship was a bit of a sore disappointment. It would've made for an uncomfortable challenge as a glass cannon if its health wasn't

The weapons it carried simply weren't tantalizing enough to keep, and I already had them replaced with more useful ones before the third stage,
leaving me with nothing more than an already partially-upgraded alternate layout fed cruiser.

It just felt a bit unimaginative, but then again, I guess not every ship has to be some wildly outside-the-box twist on a specific play style,
sometimes it can just be a plain custom ship.

I think what irked me about this ship was the weapons.. They felt like a weak-sauce tease.. The big gaudy monolithic doomsday weapons, that weren't
even really doomsday weapons..

A 3 core damage beam weapon, cool, great, but 4 bars and a 30 second charge? Bruh, I'll take a medium flak cannon and two one-bar pew-pews
over that any day of the week, and get twice as much done twice as fast. It's sad when the actual artillery beam of the fed cruiser is more cost efficient
than your big edgy doom laser.

And the other cannon is just.. No.. It might just be my specific play style, but I tend to diligently avoid any and all missile-based weapons
unless my armaments are dangerously anemic and I've got 15+ missiles.

The room layouts also made things annoying.. The slightly glitchy 1x4 hallway, and the way the door room is sealed on 3 sides meaning it takes
crew much longer to get to or from there.

That's really the best way to sum up this ship.. Not easy, or hard, or unique.. Just.. Annoying..

If I had to suggest ways to change this ship?.. Well, shoot, I've got a small list of ideas..

- Make the door room accessible on all sides.

- Fix that 1x4 room, why couldn't it just be 2 1x2 rooms instead? If I had a nickel for every time someone died because that room had no oxygen but I didn't
quite see it because only half of the hall shows the "no oxygen" field.

- Increase the max buyable weapon slots from 8 to 12. (If this is supposed to be a big kitted-out gunship, might as well make some
room for actually becoming one late-game.)

- Balance that laser to make it not so tempting to pawn off the first chance I get. Various ways to do this include-
1. Reduce power usage to 3 bars
2. Reduce cooldown to 20-25 seconds
3. Trade the breach chance and crew damage for slightly longer beam length
4. Trade the 3 core damage for 2 core damage and 2 shield piercing.

Alternatively, if you really wanted it to be a "Matter Eraser Beam", then-
1. 100% Breach Chance, 200 Crew damage.
2. Pierces 5 shield bubbles. (If it "erases" things, it wouldn't destroy the shield, it'd just cut through it like a blade)
3. Halve the beam's travel speed.

Re: [SHIP][AE] The Acerbus

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:02 pm
by porcu93
Can you please stop commenting on mods so old? These mods are YEARS old and not going to get updated at all. Even the version I posted in here contains just a simple graphical fix, nothing else.