[MOD] Recalibrating Protocols

Distribute and discuss mods that are functional. Moderator - Grognak
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:40 pm

Re: [MOD] Recalibrating Protocols

Postby POINGjam » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:47 pm

I would also like to see a .FTL version. This is the only mod I know of that disables missile piercing. Missiles make defense drones too important in vanilla FTL, but this mod frees me up to try all sorts of drone combinations. A .FTL version would allow me to use it properly with other mods.

Also, would you be willing to post an alternate version where fire bombs deal less personnel damage? Right now they one-shot Zoltan, so I can't even have them in my crew without taking a huge risk.

Thanks for the mod, it's one of my favorites.